Need help locating Steve from OLT

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Need help locating Steve from OLT

Postby maxL » Wed 20 Sep, 2017 12:59 pm

Hi, this thread might be totally inappropriately placed and for that I am sorry but my need is urgent. I recently walked the Overland Track here in Tassie, I drove up to Lake St Clair from Hobart in my car. I had the intention of seeing if anyone heading south would be interested in driving my car back to Hobart. At Windyridge hut I met a nice bloke named Steve from Victoria (outside Melbourne, I think living in the Dandenongs), we organised that he would drive my car back to Hobart. He took my phone number and address and the keys. It was planned that he would drop the keys in the letterbox. When I finished the overland track and got back to Hobart my car was parked on the street all good, but the keys where nowhere to be found. If anyone might know Steve I would love to get in contact with him. I only have 1 key for the car, that one and a replacement would be mega expensive.

Heres the small amount of info I know about Steve. Maybe you know him.

His name is Steve, I do not know his second name.
He completed the overland track on sunday the 3rd of September or Monday the 4th of September and was going to return to Victoria close to those dates.
He is a Gardener working on extensive gardens (I think in the Dandenongs).
He is originally from NZ, definitely got the accent going on.
He is a top bloke, very nice guy and good at parking my car.
He is an experienced bushwalker and seemed to have some rock climbing experience.
He is between 45- 50 years old (maybe a little older or a little younger), looks very healthy.
Thats about all I know of him.

If you have an inkling you might no this fellow, please get in contact with him for me and give him my details. Or if Steve reads this direct, please get in contact me on this thread or via a PM.

Thank you and I really hope he sees this.

Max L.
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Re: Need help locating Steve from OLT

Postby wildwanderer » Wed 20 Sep, 2017 4:52 pm

EDIT 21 Sept.

Sorry to be blunt but....this sounds like a troll..

You gave your car and your car keys to someone you don't know....

you didn't collect any identification from them and have no means of contacting them again..

and now asking on random internet forums for help finding your car keys...

Apologies OP for my initial comments. I guess I was just a little shocked.

In an attempt to be helpful. -> A very long shot but you could try the National Parks. This Steve from Victoria may have purchased a 8 week Holiday Tas National Parks Pass for the OLT trip and National parks would likely have his contact details on file. Unlikely National Parks will give you any info due to privacy legislation however worth a try.
Last edited by wildwanderer on Thu 21 Sep, 2017 8:17 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Need help locating Steve from OLT

Postby taswegian » Wed 20 Sep, 2017 6:54 pm

Have to agree sounds, well odd!!

There's a couple of Steve's associated with Gardening on Gumtree in Victoria.
If this is real then maybe a Google search will get some results.
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Re: Need help locating Steve from OLT

Postby Xplora » Thu 21 Sep, 2017 6:22 am

wildwanderer wrote:Sorry to be blunt but....this sounds like a troll..

You gave your car and your car keys to someone you don't know....

you didn't collect any identification from them and have no means of contacting them again..

and now asking on random internet forums for help finding your car keys...

Likely a little harsh. I have know people who have done this before. Maybe not the best practice and maybe should have got more details but I am unsure what the OP is hoping to achieve if trolling. If Steve is out there then he may visit this site. Seems harmless enough to me.
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Re: Need help locating Steve from OLT

Postby wildwanderer » Thu 21 Sep, 2017 8:18 am

Xplora wrote:
wildwanderer wrote:Sorry to be blunt but....this sounds like a troll..

You gave your car and your car keys to someone you don't know....

you didn't collect any identification from them and have no means of contacting them again..

and now asking on random internet forums for help finding your car keys...

Likely a little harsh. I have know people who have done this before. Maybe not the best practice and maybe should have got more details but I am unsure what the OP is hoping to achieve if trolling. If Steve is out there then he may visit this site. Seems harmless enough to me.

On review it was a bit harsh. It was my initial reaction.. Ive edited the post to be more helpful
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Re: Need help locating Steve from OLT

Postby GPSGuided » Thu 21 Sep, 2017 9:08 am

Do people really make this type of arrangement? Why would anyone walking south would go back to Lake St Clare for someone else’s car?
Just move it!
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Re: Need help locating Steve from OLT

Postby Nuts » Thu 21 Sep, 2017 9:18 am

max heading north, pleanty of people heading south would see picking up his car as saving a bus fare or odd timing.
It doesn't sound that unusual (for a Tasmanian).
Sounds odd though.. to take the keys out then not remember them, I'd be checking the neighbour's (boxes)?
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Re: Need help locating Steve from OLT

Postby wildwanderer » Thu 21 Sep, 2017 9:41 am

GPSGuided wrote:Do people really make this type of arrangement? Why would anyone walking south would go back to Lake St Clare for someone else’s car?

'Nuts wrote:It doesn't sound that unusual (for a Tasmanian).

:P For a sydneysider.. this seems like a crazy arrangement. My first thought.. this Steve guy has given no last name or contact details.. he could have just stolen the car and sold off bits for spare parts/scrap. Or onsold the car keys so someone could pick it up/steal any contents at a later date meaning a less clear connection to him.

Its nice to think compatriots in other states are more trustworthy and live in communities where these sort of arrangements are workable/end well. (and with *some* luck hopefully will in this case).
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Re: Need help locating Steve from OLT

Postby Strider » Thu 21 Sep, 2017 10:44 am

wildwanderer wrote:he could have just stolen the car and sold off bits for spare parts/scrap. Or onsold the car keys so someone could pick it up/steal any contents at a later date meaning a less clear connection to him.

Car thieves typically don't walk three days into the bush, and three days out again, befriending innocent victims for their car keys.
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Re: Need help locating Steve from OLT

Postby Lophophaps » Thu 21 Sep, 2017 11:12 am

Many years ago I was on a trip when a party member left a car at the Friday night campsite, Geehi River. We were able to leave one car, and the owner gave the car keys to a couple camped next to us. I cannot recall the reasons. he got the keys and car back a few days later. Many crimes involve opportunity. However, I can't see crims doing the OLT as a way to get a car. As a lot of crime is drug-related. Proscribed drugs usually means not very fit and not much money for BW gear, so the odds are that the bushwalker is not a crim. PWS should not give out personal information; there are privacy considerations.
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Re: Need help locating Steve from OLT

Postby wildwanderer » Thu 21 Sep, 2017 11:31 am

Strider wrote:
wildwanderer wrote:he could have just stolen the car and sold off bits for spare parts/scrap. Or onsold the car keys so someone could pick it up/steal any contents at a later date meaning a less clear connection to him.

Car thieves typically don't walk three days into the bush, and three days out again, befriending innocent victims for their car keys.

I don't think people are walking with the specific purpose of ripping other people off. However crimes of opportunity occur even in the wilderness sadly.

A guy I know was walking in the Snowy Mountains some years back. Left majority of his gear in his tent and went off on a day walk. He came back to find a couple of people carrying all his stuff off. Caught them red handed. Their excuse.."oh sorry we thought it was abandoned". A few harsh words were exchanged but that guy was certainly nicer about it than I would have been. Dam dangerous as well, its an alpine environment, if the weather turned he would have potentially needed that that gear for survival.

Anyway. Best of luck to the OP. Hope it works out for him.
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Re: Need help locating Steve from OLT

Postby bumpingbill » Sun 24 Sep, 2017 9:51 am

If you know someone at Cradle where he started from, you could see if you could get a phone number or other information from the log book?

Same at the other end, possibly?
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