
Bushwalking pictures.
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Postby tasdaz » Mon 17 Mar, 2008 9:21 pm

Tonight I went for a short drive to Collinsvale to capture the sunset with the effects of the bushfires here...




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Re: Sunset

Postby flyfisher » Tue 18 Mar, 2008 5:24 am

Top pics Tazdaz. Terrible things bushfires ,but they do provide photo opportunities with the extra colour they add the to the sky and clouds.

Great that you could take advantage. Once again GREAT SHOTS. John
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Re: Sunset

Postby Joe » Tue 18 Mar, 2008 6:34 am

i shot a wedding last year in qld. they had big fire in a chemical plant that spread to bush just near where we were. I bitched and moaned all day about the colour of the sky (lots of post processing to get blue out of the brown muck i was shooting in all day). Come sunset though I got one of my favourite shots to this day with bride and groom standing in front of incredible coloured sunset.
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Re: Sunset

Postby Mickeymoo » Tue 18 Mar, 2008 9:56 am

Nice shots Tazdaz, fire certainly do produce some nice colours in sunsets, I really like the last one, but they are all great. I also went and got a few shots of the sunset which I may post a bit later :mrgreen:
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