Rocky Knob Ridge Reconnaisance

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Rocky Knob Ridge Reconnaisance

Postby jonnosan » Sun 27 Jul, 2014 9:09 pm

Today I took a small group out along Rocky Knob Ridge today (Kings Tableland), the intention was to take the old logging road out to the end of the ridge, drop down to Rocky Knob Point, follow Erskine Creek downstream for a few KM then ascend to Mt Hall (aka Euroka Trig) then back along Erskine Range to the car.

We did not succeed in our primary objective, but we did gather some useful intel for anyone who may wish to plan their own trip out into this seldom visited part of the Blue Labyrinth. Specifically, "Don't".

The route started out well enough, with recent evidence of track maintenance. That evidence disappeared shortly after the bifurcation around the knoll at 622500. From there one, what had once been a road had been replaced with a very successful acacia and casuarina nursery, albeit one clearly defined by embankment cuttings, a corridor of trees, and the odd rusty metal artefact. At what felt like a brisk pace, our rate of progress was less than 2KM per hour once we left the maintained road.

We persevered across the saddle, then took the right hand fork at 626500. By this stage we had abandoned reaching Erskine creek, but still thought we might be able to descend Kiara creek a little and still hit Hall Ridge, possibly even getting to the trig. But when we reached the end of the 'road' at 635495 and started dropping down into vines, ferns and sodden ground cover, a quick conference established the combination of the hours until sunset, the current rate of descent towards the creek, and the fact the vegetation on the other side was likely to be just as rampant meant continuing on was (in the words of Sir Humphrey) "Most courageous, minister".

So time for a discrete retreat, followed by lunch on a grand rock platform. Returning to the fork at 626500 we confirmed the other arm was initially a little clearer but soon degraded to the same acacia and casuarina scunge. On the upside, hardly any vines.

When we eventually arrived back at the junction with the W5 firetrail at Rocky Knob there was still a few hours of daylight left so we decided to hit at least 1 creek for the day so took the ridge down to the north. The creek (southern arm of Rocky Knob Creek) was full of mossy boulders and initially easy to follow upstream but eventually we hit a patch of heavy vegetation and pools of water so decided to climb up the ridge, hitting another old road at 619500. In keeping with the theme of the day, the road could only be detected by an absence of larger trees, until we reached the power line tower.

On the drive back we made a side trip to Harris Hill trig to see the sunset, making the short trip back down to the car via torch light.
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Re: Rocky Knob Ridge Reconnaisance

Postby kanangra » Sat 16 Aug, 2014 11:05 am

Dear Jonnosan.

I have been meaning to respond to your post for a while now but first wanted to check my notes of a similar trip I did out that way a few years back. I went in via Red Ridge and came out via Rocky Knob Ridge. I found my way off the end of Red Ridge down to Erskine Ck OK and then made my way downstream to the Harris Ck junction. From there I made my way up Rocky Knob point onto the ridge. I can confirm that the "road" out along Rocky Knob Ridge does not improve at all. Indeed on my map I have written "o'grown" and "impassable" most of the way along that ridge. I remember losing my way a couple of times the track was so overgrown. I remember spotting an old trailer at the track junction where you turned right at 626:500 did you spot that by any chance? Perhaps a relic from the forestry days in the area?

So I can confirm that your route at least as far as Erskine Ck was feasible but very difficult.

I have never been out to Mt Hall. I must put that right some day.

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Re: Rocky Knob Ridge Reconnaisance

Postby jonnosan » Sat 16 Aug, 2014 9:34 pm

We did see the remains of an old trailer .Actually about 30 minutes after seeing that trailer, we went passed another one that looked quite similar. On closer examination, it was a little too similar. identical in fact. Whoops ;-)

I went in and out along Mt Hall ridge to the trig about 2 years ago. The road shown on the topo was about as overgrown at the Rocky Knob Ridge roads. There is the remains of a truck on that road.
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Phyllocladus aspleniifolius
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Re: Rocky Knob Ridge Reconnaisance

Postby kanangra » Sun 17 Aug, 2014 7:54 am

That can very easily happen. :)

*If you were looking to gain access to Erskine Ck in that region I can recommend Red Ridge, It was clear a few years back when I did it last.

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Re: Rocky Knob Ridge Reconnaisance

Postby jonnosan » Sun 17 Aug, 2014 7:15 pm

thanks for the tip kanangra, I may well check that way out sometime soonish
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Re: Rocky Knob Ridge Reconnaisance

Postby django » Thu 22 Mar, 2018 6:05 pm

Hi Kanangra,

I've been walking the edges of Blue Labyrinth for many years now, and am starting my acquaintance with the interior. You mention accessing Erskine Creek from the end of Red Ridge. Would you mind clarifying how? I've made one attempt to do this by heading south from the end of the road, with a plan to follow the ridge down to the junction of Harris Creek and Erskine Creek. I was spoiled and foiled with beautiful views from an impassable escarpment at 653524. I can hear Erskine Creek calling to me!

Regards, Tom Colley

kanangra wrote:*If you were looking to gain access to Erskine Ck in that region I can recommend Red Ridge, It was clear a few years back when I did it last.
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Re: Rocky Knob Ridge Reconnaisance

Postby wildwanderer » Fri 23 Mar, 2018 12:19 pm

I haven’t been down there, but the area has piped my curiosity.

Looking at the map and satellite photo, I suspect the route that Kanangra is referring to is more easterly. Keeping the knoll and the creek to the south west of the route and heading down the narrow (and steep!) spur. Of course its easy to theorise from the armchair and with satelite photos handy, not as easy when your walking and surounded by thick foilage.

Some images showing my theory. Red is my theorised route and the blue x is where you indicated you hit the escarpment at 653524

Hopefully Kanangra will pop in to clarify.

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Re: Rocky Knob Ridge Reconnaisance

Postby django » Fri 23 Mar, 2018 12:54 pm

Hi wildwanderer, your suggestion does seem like the best option. Thanks for your thoughts and diagrams.
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Re: Rocky Knob Ridge Reconnaisance

Postby kanangra » Fri 23 Mar, 2018 1:23 pm

I'll check my notes and get back to you. I know I got down without any trouble.

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Re: Rocky Knob Ridge Reconnaisance

Postby kanangra » Sat 24 Mar, 2018 2:20 pm

Yes I can confirm that my route was more east then south. That way I managed to avoid the cliffs you encountered. I hit Erskine Ck well above Harris Ck not at the junction.

Athrotaxis selaginoides
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Re: Rocky Knob Ridge Reconnaisance

Postby django » Sun 25 Mar, 2018 10:02 am

Thanks K,I'm off to there today :-) Cheers, django
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