SWD DCF -are the Cubans coming? Or are they here?

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SWD DCF -are the Cubans coming? Or are they here?

Postby Lamont » Fri 21 Dec, 2018 3:32 pm

https://www.swdbackpacks.com/product-pa ... suspension

Thoughts on the 50D DCF vs 150D DCF offerred by SWD.
I know one of our walkers would likely have some educated thoughtS.
I suppose the question is SWD (perhaps) vs HMG-stay set up ?, choices offered?, SWD allows customer input etc?, load lifters?
Or am I just havana overly curious day?
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Re: SWD DCF -are the Cubans coming? Or are they here?

Postby Zapruda » Fri 21 Dec, 2018 8:57 pm

50d vs 150d? I have used both a fair bit and think 50d is fine for nearly everything. I have had crampons and metal ski edges rubbing on the 50d DCF without issues. I do like the thickness of the 150d more, it’s so much easier to pack. I’m sure it would last longer as well.

The stock SWD packs look fantastic. Hard choice between them and HMG now. I will say that HMG do a fair amount of custom options for $50 usd extra. You just have to ask them.

I love the pun btw. 10/10. I have had too many grappas to think of one now but I’ll be back!!!
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Re: SWD DCF -are the Cubans coming? Or are they here?

Postby Lamont » Sat 22 Dec, 2018 4:32 am

I wonder if they will now steal away more potential customers from HMG? People always talk about 3 month wait times with SWD. They might have train up some new makers.
"I'll be back". Your fidel-ity will be noted only when you return.
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Re: SWD DCF -are the Cubans coming? Or are they here?

Postby Walk_fat boy_walk » Sun 06 Jan, 2019 8:57 pm

Lamont wrote:I wonder if they will now steal away more potential customers from HMG?.

Doubt it. It's the same price as the equivalent size hmg pack but have to pay extra for hip belt pockets etc. Slightly lighter but hmg fabrics are more durable. Hmg have a brilliant reputation so there'd need to be a significant price and/or feature differential to turn away in favour of the swd gear. (The swd may be really good gear but it's expensive and you know you're buying quality with hmg).

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Re: SWD DCF -are the Cubans coming? Or are they here?

Postby Lamont » Fri 25 Jan, 2019 4:55 am

The DCF options are exactly the same I believe -50D White and 150D Black. SWD black in both 50D and 150D. I believe (?)the market at the younger end has moved away from HMG for a while and from what I am seeing on the redditUL (?) they seem to be going for the SWD DCF sacks in lower volumes. As to the quality only one of our memberS I know could comment on them both. I believe the quality of both the SWD and the HMG to be excellent. Price seemingly. I know HMG is tried and true though. Would like to try one myself. And I know from one of our members HMG will do some mods. Maybe SWD should have pitched a bit cheaper to start?
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Re: SWD DCF -are the Cubans coming? Or are they here?

Postby Zapruda » Fri 25 Jan, 2019 6:17 am

I own a SWD 30L frameless in xpac and 2 HMG Southwests... Both are great products. Slightly different bags though.

If I had to choose, I would probably go with HMG. Those bags just work. The quality is exceptional and they fit me perfectly. The Southwest has been my go to winter bag for years now and has handled skis, crampons, snowshoes, scrub and a few falls off the mountain bike. They have really refined the bag and I believe it gives you everything you need and nothing you don’t. As Lamont said they are open to basic customisations such as removing straps, changing the material ie woven dyneema or full 150d white. I think the stock bag is more than enough. I’m even thinking about selling one of mine and funding an Ice pack from them for skiing and some winter climbing. Their customer service is exceptional and the sign of a mature company.

The SWD is great and I have put it through a lot. It has been replaced by a Palante now. The SWD was bought in 2017 and there are a few things that niggle at me. The hardware is cheap and the front 4 way pocket is weak. The pack is slightly too long for me despite my careful measurements. They seem to have grown a lot as a company now which good. In 2017 and mid last year they were a bit hard to get in contact with and some of my emails were ignored. I’m sure they have tightened up their procedures now.

One thing I really don’t like about the SWD packs is the rectangle shape of the bags. They are horrible for scrambling and the corners on mine are wearing. The HMG on the other hand is rounded and seems to miss a lot of the rocks on forward facing descents.

I really don’t think you can go wrong with either company. Good stuff all round.

Lamont, if you want to try a HMG, I can ship you down one of mine to play with. They are size L.

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Re: SWD DCF -are the Cubans coming? Or are they here?

Postby Lamont » Fri 25 Jan, 2019 7:20 am

Thank you for the considered thoughtS and the kind and generous offer!
I may take you up on it at a later stage, if that suits.
Now you mention it I have noticed the squarish corners on SWD, good to know of HMG's design!
What do you think now HMG seem to have increased their exposure to the mass market. HMG direct, GGG, now REI -the biggest chain in the US aren't they?
I believe people with REI credits will be able to claim them on a HMG apart from also buying them straight through the shops.
Will they be able maintain their quality? Price point?
As you say being a mature company they must feel capable of maintaining quality.
I'd imagine also the number of returns may increase as people buy them without realising what they are getting? Although their prices would obviously scare many off.
The Dyneema mesh on the DCF150D (do you have this one ?) Palante holding up?
Miss my Fidel above S- budda bing? :lol:
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Re: SWD DCF -are the Cubans coming? Or are they here?

Postby Zapruda » Fri 25 Jan, 2019 7:39 am

No worries.

The pun was excellent. You are really Havan-a good run with them.

I have a feeling they can handle it. The have been selling through campsaver for years and I believe at some brick and mortars throughout the US and Europe. REI is a different beast I guess but hopefully the exporsure will be good for them and it leads to new products.

I definitely wouldn’t get a Lycra pocket on a pack again. I much prefer Dyneema gridstop. I’m always worried I am going to have a fatal tear on the SWD pocket.

The pocket on the Palante is tight but durable. It’s thick like hessian. Yep, the palante is holding up really well. It’s going to cop a beating this weekend but I have faith. I’ll stick with it for a while I think. If they release a 150d white version I’ll be all over it.

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Re: SWD DCF -are the Cubans coming? Or are they here?

Postby Lamont » Fri 25 Jan, 2019 7:51 am

It's easy when their leader is an ultralighter himself.
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Re: SWD DCF -are the Cubans coming? Or are they here?

Postby Zapruda » Fri 25 Jan, 2019 8:18 am

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Re: SWD DCF -are the Cubans coming? Or are they here?

Postby Lamont » Fri 25 Jan, 2019 8:57 am

No, it's true. Don't scoff.
His name was originally spelled Roul but he changed after his teacher asked him-
Roul ¿Qué quieres ser cuando te conviertas en un hombre?
He replied Quiero ser el mochilero más ligero del mundo.
They thought he would say leader of the world or Marxist exraordinaire or even 'just be there' for Fidel, but no.
From that point it became his misión.
He was also the originator of the edredón but the yankees changed the name so he missed his due credit.
It was just natural that he changed the spelling as soon as he was old enough. Against his mothers wishes I am told.
Again DCF was called Cuban for a good reason it was down to Roul, or by then Raul- Americans mis-spelled so as to avoid giving Roul credit!
This was related to me by a fervent former Cubano Marxist, over cigars. I have no reason to doubt it.
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