Weight loss needed

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Weight loss needed

Postby Moondog55 » Fri 03 Jul, 2020 5:58 pm

OK So I allowed myself to get fat and I accept responsibility for getting my body back closer to where it should be.
I just had another colonoscopy and because I hate the bowel cleansing solutions I stopped eating on Tuesday for a Friday surgery.
Prior to this my weight loss has been only 2 kilos over the month
I dropped another 5 kg of which at least 3 will be water and that will come back on.
A question for those who have trialed intermittent fasting as a weight control measure. What in your experience has worked better, fasting for 2 days straight or 2 out of seven?
I'm not sure I can go without coffee so those fasting days will probably have a couple of cups of coffee in the AM, about 800 or so killerjoules there.
I love to eat but I don't have a problem with fasting, the hunger pangs go away after 3 days. Losing some weight fast is needed so I don't need to buy new pants and it will make walking easier.
Good results on the examination. All Clear this time so I'm doing something right even if I don't know what it is
Opinions, medical or anecdotal.
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Re: Weight loss needed

Postby Eremophila » Fri 03 Jul, 2020 6:58 pm

I tried Dr Michael Mosley's "Fast 800" for a while early last year, although it was probably more like Fast 1000. It worked well for me, losing 6kg.

I finally learned to like black coffee, having my first coffee of the day black so there was no calorie intake until around 9am when I arrived at work with a second coffee in hand (with milk this time).

Increasing your overnight "fasting window", i.e. earlier dinner and later breakfast - or no breakfast and waiting until lunch. And zero calories between meals, only black tea or water, so creating a further fasting window between meals.

I'm a big fan of Mosley, I think his approaches tend to make sense. Obviously it's all subjective.

I really need to kick myself up the butt and do this again.
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Re: Weight loss needed

Postby north-north-west » Fri 03 Jul, 2020 7:52 pm

Like any regimen, it works for some and not for others. I've found limiting my eating times to a roughly six hour window (usually 11am - 5pm) helps a lot. The fasting seems to work better with two or even three consecutive days of reduced intake. This is a big part of why bushwalking keeps my weight down - very little appetite for the first few days of a trip.
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Re: Weight loss needed

Postby ChrisJHC » Fri 03 Jul, 2020 10:57 pm

Have a good look at low carb. I committed to doing it for a month and averaged a kilo a week weight loss. Once I changed some of my eating habits it was pretty easy. I didn’t go all-out but still got good results.

Now that I’m down to a comfortable weight I’ve put some carbs back.

Oh, and you can drink as much (black) coffee as you like - without sugar of course!
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Re: Weight loss needed

Postby ribuck » Fri 03 Jul, 2020 11:39 pm

When I want to lose weight, I restrict my eating to a 6-hour window (12.30pm to 6.30pm), but eat as much as I want during that time (excluding sugary foods and white carbs). That way, I reliably lose half a kilo per week without any real effort.

If I want to lose weight faster, I have to exclude calorific drinks (just drinking black coffee) and keep my portion sizes small, which is not so much fun.
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Re: Weight loss needed

Postby Huntsman247 » Sat 04 Jul, 2020 7:32 am

My father has used water fasting to keep himself healthy. He's record is well over 20 days. No eating at all just water. For anything over a week he'll drink veg juice as well. You have to be VERY careful to do it properly and research how to water fast and how to transition back to eating but it seems to be very effective in keeping a person healthy and trim. I don't know a healthier 83 yr old. After 3-4 days you start to lose 1kg per day sometimes.
I've tried it for shorter stints and it certainly works.
I've done it while bushwalking for a few days... That I didn't enjoy a single bit but lost 1.5kg per day in 3 days.
If you don't transition back to eating properly though people have died. One needs to do he's own research and ascertain how to do it safely.
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Re: Weight loss needed

Postby jobell » Sat 04 Jul, 2020 8:33 am

Hey Moondog.

I practice intermittent fasting regularly for both weight loss, weight control and health reasons. What works for me is a narrowed eating window, usually about 4 hours a day. I vary that up with at least one day a week "off", other days 2 hours or 6, whatever suits the day and my social schedule. I find varying it keeps my body guessing. The biggest thing I realised is it's a matter of trying different patterns until you find what works best for you. I started with alternate day fasting but I just can't sleep if I am too hungry and then when I am tired I eat everything in sight. I am also mainly vegetarian so carbs are a friend, if I was able to embrace low carb more easily then I might manage longer fasts. Good luck and don't give up!

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Re: Weight loss needed

Postby GPSGuided » Sat 04 Jul, 2020 9:46 am

Ultimately it all comes down to calories in vs calories out. The more it’s in negative balance the quicker the weight will go down. Eat vs activity.
Just move it!
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Re: Weight loss needed

Postby Moondog55 » Sat 04 Jul, 2020 10:39 am

GPSGuided wrote:Ultimately it all comes down to calories in vs calories out. The more it’s in negative balance the quicker the weight will go down. Eat vs activity.

While I acknowledge that this is true I find it hard to eat small but relatively easy to go without food for short periods of time, also like many people I eat when I'm bored and this is a really bad habit that avoided by not eating at all.
I find it easy enough to lose weight but really hard to keep it off
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Re: Weight loss needed

Postby Lamont » Sat 04 Jul, 2020 10:54 am

Moondog55 wrote:A question for those who have trialed intermittent fasting as a weight control measure. What in your experience has worked better, fasting for 2 days straight or 2 out of seven?

I can say reliably from someone I know well that split the fast days with a non fast day and no other changes (i.e. exercise regimen etc-remained the same) led to a sustained two kg drop in weight compared to not fasting.
They never did two days straight but Mosely and the science suggests this would be better for a greater sustained loss -if you could maintain it, that is.
Go well boyo.
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Re: Weight loss needed

Postby Neo » Sat 04 Jul, 2020 2:06 pm

"I'm not fat, I'm winter-ready"

Suffering from a bit of gorilla-belly myself!

I know that frequent walking trims me down gradually. Even just strolling a lot day after day. Avoiding wheat carbs also helps me.

I like the eating time window ideas suggested above. Still in hibernation mode at the moment.
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Re: Weight loss needed

Postby ggorgeman » Sat 04 Jul, 2020 2:39 pm

Get busy in the morning and delay breakfast/brunch until 11:00am. A black tea or coffee beforehand is ok although weaker strength is better to minimise caffeine stimulation. You should then be able to push through to dinner, maybe some fruit/nuts mid arvo.

This has the effect of 2 meals per day and if you aim to not eat after 8pm you'll create a daily fast of 15hrs.

Give that a shot and do allow yourself the occasional exception eg a special breakfast on the weekend or a trip away.
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Re: Weight loss needed

Postby ggorgeman » Sat 04 Jul, 2020 2:39 pm

Get busy in the morning and delay breakfast/brunch until 11:00am. A black tea or coffee beforehand is ok although weaker strength is better to minimise caffeine stimulation. You should then be able to push through to dinner, maybe some fruit/nuts mid arvo.

This has the effect of 2 meals per day and if you aim to not eat after 8pm you'll create a daily fast of 15hrs.

Give that a shot and do allow yourself the occasional exception eg a special breakfast on the weekend or a trip away.
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Re: Weight loss needed

Postby GPSGuided » Sat 04 Jul, 2020 3:17 pm

Moondog55 wrote:While I acknowledge that this is true I find it hard to eat small but relatively easy to go without food for short periods of time, also like many people I eat when I'm bored and this is a really bad habit that avoided by not eating at all.
I find it easy enough to lose weight but really hard to keep it off

Indeed, a problem we all face. A self control issue, mind vs body. Desire vs habit.
Just move it!
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Re: Weight loss needed

Postby wayno » Sun 05 Jul, 2020 4:38 am

eat low to moderate glycemic index food
glycemic index is an index of how fast the energy in various foods are absorbed
not all carbs are created equal.. unrefined carbs generally better than refined. root crops are generally higher.
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Re: Weight loss needed

Postby ribuck » Mon 06 Jul, 2020 6:29 am

Moondog55 wrote:... like many people I eat when I'm bored ...

Me too, and this highlights the real solution to the weight loss problem.

If a person has something better to do than eating, then all the discussions about which diet to follow become irrelevant!
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Re: Weight loss needed

Postby Moondog55 » Mon 06 Jul, 2020 4:46 pm

Coffee then a 5 klick walk; boots and 6kg on my back to make it a bit harder, large lunch and a cuppa tea and 5 klicks home, dinner tonite and I'll try and avoid eating tomorrow. I'm not bored when I'm walking, too busy trying not to fall over.
It's a start.
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Re: Weight loss needed

Postby ChrisJHC » Mon 06 Jul, 2020 5:05 pm

Another hint is to look at the “hidden” sugar in everyday foods. For me the big eye opener was breakfast cereal (which I used to use as a snack at any time of the day).

Even ones that you think are healthy (eg Weetbix) contain serious amounts of sugar.

These days, the only time I allow myself to eat cereal is when I’m doing multi-day hikes as it’s hard to beat the convenience and I’m sure to burn it off.
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Re: Weight loss needed

Postby wayno » Mon 06 Jul, 2020 5:13 pm

weetbix doesnt have that much sugar in it, but the high bran version has three times as much at 8gm / 100gm
if your liver and muscles are already stocked full of stored sugars then consumed sugar and carbs is likely to be converted to fat.
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Re: Weight loss needed

Postby Neo » Mon 06 Jul, 2020 5:57 pm

Nice one Ted.
Need to kick myself in the bum.
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Re: Weight loss needed

Postby Moondog55 » Mon 06 Jul, 2020 6:22 pm

Neo wrote:"I'm not fat, I'm winter-ready".

That has been my excuse for far too long
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Re: Weight loss needed

Postby stry » Mon 06 Jul, 2020 8:24 pm

Two consecutive days in each seven.

I used to do it simply to give my system a shake up as I certainly don't need to lose weight.

I thought it would be hard, but once you commit and are in the groove, it's not difficult.
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Re: Weight loss needed

Postby crollsurf » Mon 06 Jul, 2020 8:32 pm

Yeah and I have a six pack, you just cant see it :lol:
I was talking to my boss the other day about this and he has a theory that has no scientific basis but made sense to me. Lets say you weigh 100kg and you lose 5kgs. Problem is, any indiscretion and your back to your original weight. That's because you still have a potential 100kg of fat cells. You need to lose that weight and stay at 95kgs until the natural cycle of cell replacement removes the starved fat cells and leaves with only 95kg of fats cells. Then your weight will bounce around 95kg.
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Re: Weight loss needed

Postby wayno » Tue 07 Jul, 2020 5:01 am

crollsurf wrote:Yeah and I have a six pack, you just cant see it :lol:
I was talking to my boss the other day about this and he has a theory that has no scientific basis but made sense to me. Lets say you weigh 100kg and you lose 5kgs. Problem is, any indiscretion and your back to your original weight. That's because you still have a potential 100kg of fat cells. You need to lose that weight and stay at 95kgs until the natural cycle of cell replacement removes the starved fat cells and leaves with only 95kg of fats cells. Then your weight will bounce around 95kg.

studies show it does look like your body has a 'fat memory" if you've been at a certain percentage of fat for over a year, your body treats that as your normal fat level ... if you drop below that fat level your resting metabolism will drop and your body will work harder to extract calories from what you eat to get back to that fat level
you need to loose weight and keep it off for a year to reset your body to recognise the lighter weight as the new normal fat level
thats within reason though,, and it will reduce its efforts to put the lost fat back on. the closer you get to having little to no fat, the more your body will try to gain weight back....

some weight gain isnt necessarily just fat, water levels vary in peolpes bodies, they can vary throughout your life and in some people go up with age for various reasons... eating unhealthily or various diseases can increase water retention ,
there's a whole debate about "inflammation promoting" foods that may encourage increases and fat and water levels... by ddefaut 80% of a fat cell is water, increase your fat and the water goes up proportionatly to maintain that percentage.

i stopped eating red meat, i lost 15 kilos in a month. i didnt reduce my calorie intake or increase my exercise, the weight loss can't have been all fat... there may have been excess water being excreted that meat was making y body hold onto because of its biochenical effect on my metabolism,... the hormones in the meat and the type of fat in the meat whicn stimulates nore prostaglandin type one which is inflammatory in nature, omega 3 flats are anti inflammatory by contrast that encourage producton of type three prostaglandins which are creating the anti inflammatory effect.
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Re: Weight loss needed

Postby Moondog55 » Tue 10 Nov, 2020 4:23 pm

Well time for a short progress report.
Been trying to only eat once a day at night and going one or two days without eating at all; except for some extra fibre. While I actually feel better the weight loss so far isn't spectacular.
Seems I am averaging about 150 grams a day over the last few weeks but then I cook pizza and I put a kilo back on. I make the best pizza here even if it is a *&%$#! oven that only goes up to 250C.
At least it allows me to eat pizza once a week.
I'm down to 100 kilos, only another 10 to go. Waist isn't shrinking as fast as it should but I'll get there slowly. I have to say tho that I really do not like black coffee no sugar, so my caffeine hit is also getting smaller
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Re: Weight loss needed

Postby Moondog55 » Tue 10 Nov, 2020 4:27 pm

Just another update. I have had a stress test and it seems that despite my best efforts I have a heart problem and I'm not allowed to exercise hard.
The Polar is helping me there but today I logged 3.75 hours of low range fat burning, 3 minutes of medium intensity and 31 minutes of high range. I need to keep out of that high range
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Re: Weight loss needed

Postby wayno » Tue 10 Nov, 2020 4:30 pm

if you can make some cauliflower flour.... use it to make the base, then you're doing away with the fast digesting wheat starch which will be stored rapidly as fat.....

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Re: Weight loss needed

Postby Moondog55 » Tue 10 Nov, 2020 4:37 pm

Interestingly we don't use all white pizza flour now.
I use a sourdough, 24 hour ferment; whole meal wheat blended with freshly ground barley and a few rolled oats tossed in. Been buying the Atta flour at the local Pakistani store, as my body adapts to the new regime I'm trying to add less salami and bacon on top, sadly that isn't working too well on Fridays. Friday is pizza nite here.
Eating more salads and raw foods as the weather warms up too.
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Re: Weight loss needed

Postby wayno » Tue 10 Nov, 2020 4:46 pm

bran in the base will slow down digestion.
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Re: Weight loss needed

Postby PedroArvy » Tue 10 Nov, 2020 9:02 pm

Moondog55 wrote:At least it allows me to eat pizza once a week.

Dear me, that won't work. I suggest you let Scooby tell you why. Your once a week pizza scenario is covered precisely by Scooby in this video.

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