General Health and Safety for Training.

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General Health and Safety for Training.

Postby Moondog55 » Wed 14 Oct, 2020 3:09 pm

My doctor is on again about me losing weight. Fair enough as I don't seem about to shed any by not eating too much.
So we got into a discussion about how hard I can exercise and general heart rate targets and VO2. Upshot is that today I had an Echocardiogram and next month I am having a treadmill stress ECG.
It will be interesting to see what my cardiovascular age is compared to my chronological years. I'm also thinking seriously now about a Polar fitness tracker, but it will need to be S/H
Thoughts on second hand Polar?
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Re: General Health and Safety for Training.

Postby slparker » Wed 14 Oct, 2020 4:38 pm

I don't know anything about Polar watches but I have a suunto Ambit 3 with heart rate monitor - I can recommend that watch as it also has handy navigation features.

They are a few years old now but you can get them second hand.

For all advice on this stuff the go-to is the DC Rainmaker site.

I can also recommend that you see an exercise physiologist or trainer, even if it is for a few sessions, to get some advice on a program.
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Re: General Health and Safety for Training.

Postby Moondog55 » Thu 15 Oct, 2020 12:59 pm

I wish I could afford to do so, as it is Cecile is paying for the stress test.
Last time I had one done was over 20 years ago when I was a gym member, they wouldn't accept my membership without one and thay made me wear a heart monitor in the gym when using the rowing machines and treadmills; I used to set the damned alarm off all the time but they wouldn't increase the HR alarm settings; at that time my physiological age was somewhat less than my calender years. This time around I just hope it's not older.
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Re: General Health and Safety for Training.

Postby neilmny » Fri 16 Oct, 2020 5:32 pm

I use a Polar M200 GPS. Love it. Used to help me recover from heart attack.
Tells the truth about level of exercise and makes sure I wasn't being excessively optimistic about my abilities. There about $250.00 but maybe a second hand one can be found.
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Re: General Health and Safety for Training.

Postby Wollemi » Mon 26 Oct, 2020 11:09 am

Moondog55 wrote:I wish I could afford to do so, as it is Cecile is paying for the stress test.
Last time I had one done was over 20 years ago when I was a gym member, they wouldn't accept my membership without one and thay made me wear a heart monitor in the gym when using the rowing machines and treadmills; I used to set the damned alarm off all the time but they wouldn't increase the HR alarm settings; at that time my physiological age was somewhat less than my calender years.

I have had membership at a couple of different gyms in the past 20 years. No stress test was required of any person.

I started keto a week ago, and have already had a fasting day for 28 hours - on a day I went on a 7km off-track bushwalk. Otherwise, I am on 2 meals a day eaten between 11am and 7pm, meaning I am combining Keto with 16:8
I may have lost over 2kg already.
Last edited by Wollemi on Mon 26 Oct, 2020 8:06 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: General Health and Safety for Training.

Postby Moondog55 » Tue 27 Oct, 2020 2:16 pm

Wollemi wrote:[
I have had membership at a couple of different gyms in the past 20 years. No stress test was required of any person.

Not stress testing somebody over 50YO leaves a business open to litigation if you happen to have a heart attack while using the facilities, enterprises like the YMCA take these responsibilities seriously, which is why they insisted I wear a monitor when using the gym and partly what membership fees pay for.
The one I have booked in is the simple ECG stress test, they won't be monitoring VO2Max/CO2 expiration or lactic build up or any of the really expensive athlete type tests although I expect them to monitor temperature. I'll do it in my summer walking boots as they told me to wear my most comfortable and best fitting shoes.
Test lasts about 40 minutes, at my level of fitness that is probably not long enough to get my second wind
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Re: General Health and Safety for Training.

Postby Moondog55 » Sun 01 Nov, 2020 7:11 am

While I doubt that I will get a faulty product I've taken a chance on an older [ Much older] watch and sensor from a gym in WA, it's a second generation and I'll need to replace the battery but at $40- posted I thought worth the risk.
Manual still available online, W10 should be able to read the program, at least I hope so.
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Re: General Health and Safety for Training.

Postby andrewa » Sun 01 Nov, 2020 6:28 pm

CT coronary calcium score. Sorts out how much calcification you have in your coronary arteries. If low, coronary risk is minimal. If elevated, then subsequent consideration for CT coronary angiogram and/or stress test to sort out where the calcification is, whether it’s narrowing an artery, and whether any narrowing may be significantly diminishing blood flow. The calcium score helps sort out who might need further investigation, or active management with cholesterol lowering drugs and aspirin. In this day and age, there’s no excuse for having a heart attack - the technology exists. As to Medicare rebate, that’s a completely different issue!

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Re: General Health and Safety for Training.

Postby Moondog55 » Mon 02 Nov, 2020 7:57 am

High Potassium levels but everything else seems to be normal except for elevated cholesterol and my GP has me taking a statin for that.
Diet and exercise should be my best friend but I do love to cook and I eat what I cook.
No problems shown with the EchoCG
My usual preparation for winter is to try hard to add 5 kilos or more and that has come to bite my behind with no skiing for the last two seasons.
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Re: General Health and Safety for Training.

Postby Moondog55 » Thu 05 Nov, 2020 8:50 am

Not the result I was expecting and not a result anybody would want.
Test terminated after only 5 minutes.
Was told to go home. take an aspirin immediately, make sure I take a half a soluble aspirin each AM and see my GP as soon as I could.
No hard physical exertion at all until told otherwise.
WT *$&#?
So it seems I really do need to lose more than a bit of body fat around the middle and I've never been able to do that without exercising hard.
Does explain a few things that I have been feeling lately. GP tomorrow morning and I'll take it from there but I do dislike coffee without sugar.
Why half an aspirin tho and not a whole one??
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Re: General Health and Safety for Training.

Postby Eremophila » Thu 05 Nov, 2020 9:07 am

Hopefully it's something you can improve on fairly quickly, MD.

If you ask your GP for a "plan" (care plan? healthcare plan?) they will give you a certain amount from Medicare to be utilised at the provider of your choice - dietician, exercise physiologist etc. You may get 5 or 6 appointments for free. You're entitled to one plan each year, some will tell you it's per calendar year, others will say it's 12 months from the previous one. At any rate it's worth taking advantage of.

I have a spare copy of "The Power of Protein" if you'd like it. It's an Australian book, very easy and short reading, explains how the low-carb thing works in very simple terms, and provides nice basic recipes. The downer is that most things need to be prepared fresh, and it's very difficult to follow if you're eating out. The upside is that it's all quick preparation.

I also find anything by Dr Michael Mosley to be interesting, and more importantly inspiring.
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Re: General Health and Safety for Training.

Postby Moondog55 » Thu 05 Nov, 2020 9:19 am

Could I borrow that for a while?
At least I found out before [ BEFORE] a full blown heart attack.
I can't afford the angiogram/angioplasty privately so it has to be diet and exercise in the short term while waiting on the public health system
Meet & Greet at Mt Franklin still going ahead tho
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Re: General Health and Safety for Training.

Postby Eremophila » Thu 05 Nov, 2020 9:30 am

Yep you're welcome to hang onto it if you want. I still have your address in my PM's but if you can send me your surname that would be great. I'm heading to the Post Office today so will mail it then.
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Re: General Health and Safety for Training.

Postby Moondog55 » Thu 05 Nov, 2020 9:35 am

PM incoming
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Re: General Health and Safety for Training.

Postby Moondog55 » Sat 07 Nov, 2020 7:44 am

PM to Andrew also
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Re: General Health and Safety for Training.

Postby Moondog55 » Mon 09 Nov, 2020 12:10 pm

General question. What is reasonably considered to be high intensity exercise?
85% of maximal heart rate, 90% or is it lower at 75%
If I take the AHA guidelines as a rule then for me that 75% is a very low 120BPM.
Been wearing the monitor today and I've set my maximum at 150 accordingly.
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Re: General Health and Safety for Training.

Postby Moondog55 » Thu 12 Nov, 2020 4:20 pm

Interesting few days. Wednesday about noon I thought I was having a major heart attack.
Ambulance to emergency and a short wait in the corridor. As I was not dead and there wasn't anything apparent in the monitors I got a CT scan last night and an Angiogram this morning. All good actually and my heart and all the arteries to it are in very good condition.
Doctors just told me I can exercise as hard as I can tolerate, it's not a heart problem.
Interesting to say the least.
Thank-You all those who responded privately to Ceciles messages
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Re: General Health and Safety for Training.

Postby Eremophila » Thu 12 Nov, 2020 5:48 pm

Frightening to be sure MD.

It would certainly be a rare occurrence for doctors to advise against exercise. But still good that they are endorsing.

You know your body and will have a feel for what works for you.
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Re: General Health and Safety for Training.

Postby Moondog55 » Fri 13 Nov, 2020 10:07 am

Eremophila wrote:Frightening to be sure MD.

It would certainly be a rare occurrence for doctors to advise against exercise. But still good that they are endorsing.

You know your body and will have a feel for what works for you.

The recommendation was to moderate my exercise to a low and gentle level not stop it. Being told that there is no reason not to push myself is great.
I think a few comments in other threads going back some time to "Use it or lose it" is pertinent.
I do feel like I am starting from scratch again, that's all.
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Re: General Health and Safety for Training.

Postby andrewa » Fri 13 Nov, 2020 6:08 pm

Doctors ( eg me!) advise against exercise if a patient has cardiac sounding symptoms, or fails a stress test, until such time as we know that they are low risk if carking it. It’s not that rare in medicine. But, other than that, yep, we are all for exercise.

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