Poo tubes

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TIP: The online Bushwalk Inventory System can help bushwalkers with a variety of bushwalk planning tasks, including: Manage which items they take bushwalking so that they do not forget anything they might need, plan meals for their walks, and automatically compile food/fuel shopping lists (lists of consumables) required to make and cook the meals for each walk. It is particularly useful for planning for groups who share food or other items, but is also useful for individual walkers.

Re: Poo tubes

Postby headwerkn » Fri 02 Feb, 2024 10:31 am

grunter wrote:I wonder how many poo tubes will be left behind at the last hut or walkers registrations so peeps don't have to take them home, put in airplane luggage? Might even see some bobbing up and down in Lake St Clair.

Urgh, there's a thought. If it's anything like the people who think they can just leave gas canisters at Narcissus... :-/
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Phyllocladus aspleniifolius
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Re: Poo tubes

Postby north-north-west » Mon 05 Feb, 2024 6:05 pm

headwerkn wrote: ... the people who think they can just leave gas canisters at Narcissus... :-/

OI, don't knock it. I haven't bought gas for the last eight months ...
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Re: Poo tubes

Postby headwerkn » Tue 06 Feb, 2024 8:22 am

Oh, I have no problems at all with people leaving their half-empties *at Cynthia Bay*. The last bagful the staff bestowed upon us has kept us in isobutane/propane for well over a year and will probably do so for another. FlipFuels are A Good Thing.

It's more the not-packing-out-what-you-packed-in, leave-it-for-someone-else-to-deal-with mentality that irks me.
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Phyllocladus aspleniifolius
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