Ugly, part 1.

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Ugly, part 1.

Postby tasadam » Tue 04 Mar, 2008 10:52 am

Sorting out my Mt Anne photos.
I know we are responsible types here, but as it is a public forum, this might be a good place to educate those that need it.

Here is a shopping bag I found, half submerged in a tarn just below Shelf Camp - and a clothes peg at camp.

In the bushes at camp. Food wrapper

and foil.

What's left of someone's tent at shelf camp -

Found in the bushes just below shelf camp -

At shelf camp - left behind...

and (why use PLASTIC tent pegs - so you can bash them into rocks and break them?)

What happens when people wiss on the rocks that have moss growing on them, all around camp...

But. By far. The worst of all...
Some lazy (swear) so and so... that knows NOTHIING and has no right going to this type of place -

What's under the rock beside the stream?

Some lazy twit took a dump right at camp, spitting distance from the stream.
A good reason why to go upstream as far as practicable to get your water supply. And watch out for the flies landing on your food, unless you actually WANT to get sick.

I called this post Part 1, let's all do the right thing and try and keep me from making a Part 2...
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Re: Ugly, part 1.

Postby Joe » Tue 04 Mar, 2008 11:03 am

Shocker...hope this wasn't enough to ruin your trip. What must be going through the minds of these idiots.

Shame you didn't get any photos of the pricks doing it, could have popped them into PWS at least.

BTW Were you using a tripod for these? some do seem oof :P

actually was the 18-200 used on shot 2? some pretty nasty CA on that...worse than i would expect from any of your collection of lenses.
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Re: Ugly, part 1.

Postby tasadam » Tue 04 Mar, 2008 11:40 am

Shocker...hope this wasn't enough to ruin your trip
Far from ruined my trip.
What must be going through the minds of these idiots.
Clearly, nothing.
Shame you didn't get any photos of the pricks doing it, could have popped them into PWS at least.
Indeed. :twisted:

I don't waste my time with tripod etc for these type of images. I don't worry about settings or composition or even focus to any great extent. I set the camera to basic jpg to save card space. The image you speak of, has a zoom length of 70mm and 1/80 second exposure hand held, also F2.8 and ISO 800 indicating things aren't going to be great to start with. It probably focused on a part of the bush above the rubbish. The images on the computer have been cropped and auto-enhanced very crudely with MS Photo Editer. They were then resized to 800 x whatever. Any wonder they look, well, rubbish (pun alert).
Good lenses are just as capable of taking rubbish photos when used like that.
I will get to finishing sorting the 1750 odd photos that we took and make a more respectable post when time permits.
In the mean time, here's another load of rubbish taken from a wombat hole (and surrounds) from the south side of the Forth River at Frog Flats on the Overland track , 200 m west of the track, 13-2-2005. I collected this rubbish for PWS, hoping they can match the writing on the bags with the registration forms the litterbugs would have had to fill in to complete the track. Didn't hear back, but didn't expect to.







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Re: Ugly, part 1.

Postby TassieMargie » Fri 07 Mar, 2008 10:08 am

How would these people like it if we went into their backyard and dumped all our rubbish there??? I don't think they would. I hope the PWS caught up with them and taught them a lesson. What a bunch of Nobheads!!!
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Re: Ugly, part 1.

Postby walkinTas » Sun 09 Mar, 2008 2:13 am

TassieMargie wrote:How would these people like it if we went into their backyard and dumped all our rubbish there???

The same benightedness allows these people to dump rubbish in their own backyard every day. Look at the streets of any city! I wish to hell they'd stay out of the bush though.
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Re: Ugly, part 1.

Postby tasadam » Sat 01 Aug, 2009 2:36 pm

I really don't want to make a topic Ugly Part 2. So I'll stick to this one.

A trip to New Pelion Hut last week - near the top tent platform it would appear that someone left their bag of rubbish out overnight and it got stolen by the wildlife and they didn't bother looking for it, or perhaps they decided to just leave it.
Either way, the animals got to it. They didn't look too hard - it was only a few metres off the track.
A tin of spray deodorant? Tins of soup?
Any wonder they didn't want to carry it out.
Anyhow, thanks to them my pack weighed over 20 KG's on the way out.





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Re: Ugly, part 1.

Postby bushrunner » Sat 01 Aug, 2009 8:16 pm

I hope the people responsible for this, read this post and feel ashamed.
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Re: Ugly, part 1.

Postby dee_legg » Sat 01 Aug, 2009 8:40 pm

I feel like being sick and murdering the idiots who are responsible for those various outrages at the same. Bah! :evil:
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Re: Ugly, part 1.

Postby jose » Sun 02 Aug, 2009 2:42 pm

Thanks tasadam for picking up that rubbish and taking it out with you. Anyone can occasionally (un-noticed by themselves) drop something especially in wet, windy weather but a whole bag of rubbish would surely have been missed by the owner! I am generally happy to pick up the odd bit of packaging or clothing I come across but my goodwill would evapourate having to clean up that mess at the Pelion tent platform. It is bad enough finding bagged rubbish left in the hut.
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Re: Ugly, part 1.

Postby Chris » Sun 02 Aug, 2009 4:34 pm

bushrunner wrote:I hope the people responsible for this, read this post and feel ashamed.

Surely they couldn't be members of this forum :shock: :evil:

Many thanks Adam for doing the right thing; MUCH harder in that situation than tidying up locally.

Which reminds me, I think I displeased a few people many years ago when I used to collect broken glass when camping on the Blue Tier (long before it was "civilised" by FT). Apparently some ? history buffs ? bottle collectors thought the relics should be left on site, but I was more concerned about damage to the wild-lifes' paws :)
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Re: Ugly, part 1.

Postby ILUVSWTAS » Mon 03 Aug, 2009 12:28 pm

Good god..... Who takes cans of soup bushwalking...........

That is just disgusting! I pick up any rubbish I pass usually.. but where could you begin there...

Thats just so so sad!
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Re: Ugly, part 1.

Postby turtle » Thu 13 Aug, 2009 1:19 pm

We were camping on Bribie Island a few years ago, an island which is some suburbia and some protected area. We were camped about 50 metres off the beach in the bush when a car comes in towing a bag of rubbish behind it. Several minutes later out goes the car minus the bag. We took the rego and phoned it through to the local ranger and also told a ranger about it when we bumped into him a few hours later.

It turns out it was a LOCAL who had driven from his home,(I assume equipped with a bin) a few klms away, past the huge bins they put at the beginning of the park, to dump his crap in the middle of the bush. We were rung several months later asking if we would testify against him in court - you bet - but were never asked to appear. Never heard the end result but hope he got fined a fortune.

(We did pick up the rubbish bag and take it out. No dead bodies just rubbish).
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Re: Ugly, part 1.

Postby juju » Tue 02 Feb, 2010 12:32 pm

I was overnighting at an old favourite before Christmas, Bob Turner's Track in Wollemi National Park with my son. On the way in we passed a group of six or so teenagers being led by a couple of age twentyish guys on their way out with full packs. At the time I thought 'How nice - probably their first overnight'.
When we got to the campsite on the river I was sooo disappointed to find the trees decorated with loo paper - right near the river as well! I only hope it wasn't the group we passed on the track, though I have to wonder how they could've stayed there amid that vain and disgusting display of ignorance.
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Re: Ugly, part 1.

Postby Taurë-rana » Tue 02 Feb, 2010 10:02 pm

Great Bend, Mersey River, magic swimming hole, deep water for diving into, shallow water for little kids, frequently covered in rubbish and broken glass, and of course, toilet paper, even burnt out cars. Beyond belief that people would bother to go out there then trash it.
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Re: Ugly, part 1.

Postby Ent » Wed 03 Feb, 2010 4:13 pm

Though not dedicated bush it never ceases to amaze and annoy me that bushland around Launceston is a field of broken glass. The trend has been up as now the one celled creatures on mini bikes with "friend" in tow head bush with six pack of stubbies and then once drunk throw them on rocks. Paper while ugly at least in time will break down but glass is near enough forever. Normally not a great fan of banning things but sorely tempted to have such things banned as the advertising portrays an image of do not give a hoot, its all about you, so give everyone else the finger.

Jee I must be getting old, starting to sound like my father :?

Cheers Brett
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Re: Ugly, part 1.

Postby stepbystep » Wed 03 Feb, 2010 5:34 pm

THIS was just next to Gordonvale, stashed firewood???
I thought this was within the WHA?
woodpile with firelighter pkts.jpg
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Re: Ugly, part 1.

Postby farkewie » Wed 03 Feb, 2010 7:02 pm

tasadam wrote:I really don't want to make a topic Ugly Part 2. So I'll stick to this one.

All I can say is holy @#$%!! I have never seen such a disgusting mess at a campsite!! That is worse that Fortitude Valley (and that is bad). Even our walks up here are not that bad. I tell you what if i saw someone leaving that mess they wouldn't get very far!

We are flying down in a couple of weeks to do the SCT i hope it doesn't look like that. I never remember seeing this mess when i was a kid hiking in Tassie.
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Re: Ugly, part 1.

Postby Rick » Sat 06 Feb, 2010 7:15 pm

Not good enough! I'd love to catch these mongrels!! :evil:
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Re: Ugly, part 1.

Postby Julafreak » Sat 06 Feb, 2010 8:13 pm

It's SAD to see this starting to happen in Tassie but it's GREAT to know there're alot of people who cares..
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Re: Ugly, part 1.

Postby Liamy77 » Sat 04 Sep, 2010 2:39 am

nothing a rubbish collection aenema wouldn't cure.....
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Re: Ugly, part 1.

Postby Cocksy_86 » Sun 19 Sep, 2010 1:49 pm

the rubbish i hate most is a dirty tissue. i can't bring myself to pick it up even though using a plastic bag to protect my skin. so i leave it, feelin guilty, cursing the person that was too lazy to pack it out.
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Re: Ugly, part 1.

Postby tasadam » Sun 19 Sep, 2010 2:54 pm

Cocksy_86 wrote:the rubbish i hate most is a dirty tissue. i can't bring myself to pick it up even though using a plastic bag to protect my skin. so i leave it, feelin guilty, cursing the person that was too lazy to pack it out.

Otherwise known on this forum as a toilet paper flower. Very common to find them on the walk around Dove Lake or Wombat Pool, or on the way to Wineglass Bay or across the Isthimus.
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Re: Ugly, part 1.

Postby Liamy77 » Sun 19 Sep, 2010 5:50 pm

where do you think is the MESSIEST place around?
just wonderin.... might contact cleanup Australia or parks about gettin funding to get in there and fix it up maybe....
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Re: Ugly, part 1.

Postby tasadam » Sun 19 Sep, 2010 7:28 pm

Fortunately (from my observations), I don't think there is anywhere bad enough for that. But certainly I think there should be more emphasis on prosecution of people that do this sort of thing than perhaps a display of stuffed animals at the end of a walk.....

What I mean is, in Feb / Mar 2005 I did 7 day frenchmans loop, saw no-one for a few days, saw no litter, 2 days at home & went to Wineglass, saw heaps of examples of TP Flowers, and at the end of our 3 or so nights in the park we come to the carpark to find a parks person displaying stuffed (taxidermy) examples of wildlife. Our immediate thoughts at the time were that their efforts would be better served monitoring the track for litterbugs and having a photo board of examples of litter left in the park with a note - "All these photos were taken on the same day"... Might wake people up.
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Re: Ugly, part 1.

Postby ILUVSWTAS » Sun 19 Sep, 2010 7:31 pm

Wineglass is a terrible example of this. Rubbish everywhere. It's really sad as 99% of visitors there only go an hour from the car and they cant be bothered carrying the rubbish back to the carpark where there are MANY rubbish bins.
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Re: Ugly, part 1.

Postby Azza » Sun 19 Sep, 2010 10:15 pm

Some can't even be bothered using the toilets at the camp site..... :roll:
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Re: Ugly, part 1.

Postby Cocksy_86 » Mon 20 Sep, 2010 7:56 pm

What can you really do? The only thing I can think of is registering every piece of rubbish you're taking into the place and then accounting for it all when coming back. It's the only way you can make someone accountable. In Brisbane, I had the luxury of dobbing the soccer club, 7/11, fish-n-chips, and university into the council after many attempts to get them to clean up their act. A nice whopping fine got their act together :D
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Re: Ugly, part 1.

Postby Liamy77 » Tue 21 Sep, 2010 12:15 am

gimme a 90cm suture kit and a bottle of parafin wax..... :shock: 8)
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Re: Ugly, part 1.

Postby simmo » Thu 23 Jun, 2011 11:08 pm

What can i say apart from im Disscussed in the thought that the people that did this have no respect. :evil: :evil:
It makes you wonder how these people live at home if this is how they treat other peoples property.
untidy and yes Ugly
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Re: Ugly, part 1.

Postby juju » Fri 24 Jun, 2011 7:34 pm

Perhaps something we (who don't rubbish the bush) can take away from this is that all this crap would be somewhere else if it weren't there...I'm always finding it a challenge to use stuff that can be either recycled or composted. Plastic bags are so handy and convenient and light. I do wash them - mostly...
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