Mt Sugarloaf Northern Track
4.3 km circuit
1 h 30 min to 2 h 15 min
Mt Sugarloaf Northern Track
4.3 km

1 h 30 min to 2 h 15 min

This walk takes you away from the Mt Sugarloaf summit, to visit a quieter viewpoint. This longer walk initially visits the western viewpoint, before traversing northward to eventually arrive at the northern viewpoint. From here, the walk gradually descends to the Lower Mt Sugarloaf car park and then gradually ascends back up to the Mt Sugarloaf car park. A walk for those with a little bit more time or wanting to find a quieter corner of Mt Sugarloaf. Let us begin by acknowledging the Traditional Custodians of the land on which we travel today, and pay our respects to their Elders past and present.



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