Turn map |
Directions & comments |
Then cross the bridge (about 25 m long)
Kiss and Ride (about 40 m back from the start).
Find the car park at the start.
Find the emergency call device at the start.
Find the pay phone at the start.
After another 2 m continue straight.
Find the toilet at the start. , male.
Find the toilet at the start. , female.
After another 9 m turn left.
Then cross the bridge (about 9 m long)
After another 10 m continue straight.
After another 10 m pass the pay phone (on your left).
After another 95 m pass the "Kiss and Ride" (on your right).
After another 7 m (from the Hartley Road) continue straight (a highway|cycleway).
After another 50 m turn left.
After another 20 m turn right.
After another 20 m cross the bridge (about 20 m long)
From the Blacktown Creek continue straight.
After another 20 m pass the playground (about 45 m ahead).
Then pass the car park (60 m on your right).
Turn left.
After another 135 m pass the park (15 m on your left).
After another 170 m continue straight.
After another 100 m continue straight.
After another 125 m pass the car park (on your left).
After another 105 m pass the car park (on your left).
After another 110 m continue straight.
After another 8 m turn left.
After another 60 m continue straight.
After another 70 m continue straight.
After another 15 m continue straight.
After another 95 m continue straight.
After another 125 m pass the car park (on your right).
After another 25 m turn right.
After another 8 m head through/around the gate.
After another 35 m continue straight.
After another 230 m pass the playground (75 m on your left).
After another 85 m turn right.
After another 115 m pass the "Blacktown Swimming Pool" (on your right).
After another 9 m continue straight.
After another 40 m continue straight.
After another 20 m pass the car park (on your left).
After another 120 m continue straight.
After another 100 m continue straight.
After another 160 m pass the park (15 m on your right).
After another 310 m turn right.
After another 6 m (from the Devitt Street) continue straight.
After another 30 m turn left.
After another 4 m (from the Sunnyholt Road) continue straight.
After another 10 m (from the Sunnyholt Road) continue straight.
After another 25 m (from the NorthWest T-Way) continue straight.
After another 10 m (from the George Street) continue straight.
After another 9 m pass the "Lovely Sweets" (about 70 m ahead).
After another 160 m (from the George Street) continue straight.
After another 125 m pass the car park (10 m on your left).
After another 20 m (from the Humphries Lane) continue straight.
After another 10 m pass the "Mr Ping's" (55 m on your right).
After another 3 m (from the Boys Avenue) continue straight.
After another 105 m pass the car park (10 m on your left).
Turn left.
After another 4 m (from the Boys Avenue) continue straight.
After another 15 m pass the "Kiss and Ride" (on your left).
After another 10 m turn right.
Then head up the concrete steps (about 25 m long)
Then cross the bridge (about 95 m long)
Turn right.
Then cross the bridge (about 95 m long)
Then pass the pay phone (on your left).
After another 25 m cross the bridge (about 60 m long)
Then cross the bridge (about 50 m long)
After another 9 m pass the toilet (on your left)., male.
Then pass the pay phone (8 m on your left).
After another 20 m pass the emergency call device (15 m on your left).
Then pass the toilet (about 10 m ahead)., female.
Then pass the toilet (10 m on your left). This toilet is wheelchair accessible.
After another 30 m come to "McDonald's".
The end.