Canberra Riverside Circuit

8 h to 14 h

33.2 km

↑ 263 m
↓ -263 m

Moderate track
Canberra Riverside Circuit starts near Barrine Drive, Acton exploring almost all of the shoreline Molonglo River has in Canberra. Enjoying the refreshing breeze of the river in an urban environment is a worthwhile experience, whether you’re on foot or riding a bike. It can be a very useful route if you want to get to know Canberra. There are multiple landmarks on this walk, like the Captain Cook Memorial Globe. If you’d like to skip some of them and shorten the loop, there are various shortcuts available. Let us begin by acknowledging the Traditional Custodians of the land on which we travel today, and pay our respects to their Elders past and present.
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