Cabbage Tree to Carnarvon Gorge
Bidjara & Karingbal Country

5 h to 6 h 30 min

14.5 km
oneway segment

↑ 388 m
↓ -1078 m

Very challenging
Starting from the Cabbage Tree campground in Carnarvon Park, this walk takes you to the Carnarvon Gorge Visitor Centre via the sixth and last section of the 87 km Carnarvon Great Walk, visiting Jimmy’s Shelf and Devil’s Signpost along the way. With lovely views of Mount Acland and beyond, this track features scenic cliffs and impressive rock formations as well. The Demon’s Ridge combined with the Bulknaoo Cliffs can impress and challenge you at the same time. Once used by the stockmen of the time, this track connected the plateau and the nearby settlements at the time. The side trip to Boolimba Bluff Lookout(s) will reward you with more spectacular views. Keep in mind that you’ll need a permit to access Carnarvon Park and the said campsites. This walk is closed from the 1st of November to the last day of February. Bring some insect repellent to protect yourself from the mozzies(Australian slang for mosquitoes). Let us begin by acknowledging the Bidjara & Karingbal people, Traditional Custodians of the land on which we travel today, and pay our respects to their Elders past and present. 
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This journey requires significant bushwalking experience, specialised equipment and navigation skills.
Please ensure you and your group well prepared and equiped for this journey.

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