Lake Rodway to Windermere

4 h to 6 h

12 km
oneway segment

↑ 524 m
↓ -454 m

Very challenging
Walk from Lake Rodway to Windermere along the Overland Track. Today starts by climbing the 300 vertical meters back up to the main spine of the Overland Track, take your time and turn around to enjoy the views over Lake Rodway. Then you walk along the ridge to find the intersection with the Barn Bluff Track (options side trip in fine weather). Here we turn left and walk steeply down into the majestic Waterfall Valley. The hut, toilets and campsites are closed during the summer of 2019/2020. Continue through the mostly open alpine country with many tarns and there is an optional side trip to Lake Will. There is a small beach at Lake Will and another opportunity for a swim at Lake Windermere. The hut and camping area is not far past the lake, perched on the side of the hill. Let us begin by acknowledging the Traditional Custodians of the land on which we travel today, and pay our respects to their Elders past and present.
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This journey requires significant bushwalking experience, specialised equipment and navigation skills.
Please ensure you and your group well prepared and equiped for this journey.

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