Start | At the intersection of Wisemans Ferry Road & Smiths Road (-33.3580778,151.2902824) |
Mode | Bus Car (There is free parking available.) Special (A bus service runs along Wisemans Ferry Rd passing Somersby store. The service runs between Gosford and Spencer only a few times a day. Please check timetable for more info or Phone Busway on (02) 4368 2277. The bus only picks passengers up from Somersby to head to Gosford on the morning runs. More info) |
Directions | From , Somersby. |
Finish | From the Ourimbah Creek Road (-33.3174483,151.2999462) |
Mode (end) | Car Shuttle Car (There is free parking available.) |
Turn map | Directions & comments |
At the intersection of Wisemans Ferry Road & Smiths Road Start heading along Wisemans Ferry Road (a road).
The starting point of an optional sidetrip. Side trip to Palm Grove camping area. To start this optional side trip turn right here. On returning from this side trip veer right when you get back to this intersection. Details below.
Turn map | Directions & comments |
Class 4/6 Hard track |
Length | 5.7 km |
Time | 2 h 15 min to 2 h 30 min |
Quality of track | Rough track, where fallen trees and other obstacles are likely (4/6) |
Gradient | Very steep (4/6) |
Signage | Minimal directional signs (4/6) |
Infrastructure | Limited facilities (such as cliffs not fenced, significant creeks not bridged) (4/6) |
Experience Required | Moderate level of bushwalking experience recommended (4/6) |
Weather | Storms may impact on navigation and safety (3/6) |
Item | From Start | Name & link to notes |
| 75 m | [toilet] |
| 4.7 km | Palm Grove Campsite |