Hornsby to Galston Gorge
9.8 km oneway
4 h to 6 h
Hornsby to Galston Gorge
9.8 km

4 h to 6 h

Starting at Hornsby station, you soon head into the bush and down the steep depression era stone steps through the volcanic Old Mans Valley, to a picnic area at the end of Rosemead Rd. Here you follow the Blue Gum walk through one of Sydney’s rare Blue Gum Forest stands to then cross Berowra Creek a few times at Fishponds waterhole. After exploring the edge of the valley you will cross the Steele Military Bridge before climbing to Tunks Ridge rest area. Not far from here the walk starts to lead steeply down enjoying more sandstone caves to cross under Galston Road to find the Galston trackhead. Note this walk was re-routed in early 2016 to go via the streets of Hornsby Heights. This re-route is due to the multi-agency decision to close the Fishponds to Steele Bridge section of the Benowie Track. This decision has upset many people and the protest continues. Let us begin by acknowledging the Traditional Custodians of the land on which we travel today, and pay our respects to their Elders past and present.


Transport options
To start

From end