Crater Lake Circuit

2 h to 3 h

6.6 km

↑ 295 m
↓ -296 m

Hard track
Starting from the car park at the end of Dove Lake Road, Cradle Mountain-Lake Saint Clair National Park, this walk takes you past Lake Lilla, Crater Lake and Wombat Pool. Enjoy a scenic walk that winds past several alpine lakes, following boardwalks through buttongrass moorlands and cool temperate rainforest. You'll pass mossy waterfalls and rock pools at Crater Falls before reaching Crater Lake, which has steep glacially carved walls and dark reflective water. The smaller lakes, Lake Lilla and Wombat Pool, are also beautiful. Due to its relatively lower altitude, this walk is usually a safer option when it's very windy and rainy at higher altitudes. Be prepared for strong winds, heavy rain, snow and very cold temperatures. Let us begin by acknowledging the Traditional Custodians of the land on which we travel today, and pay our respects to their Elders past and present.
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