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There is a car park (about 50 m back from the start).

Find the Brambuk Cafe at the start. This cafe is wheelchair accessible. Mo-Su 09:00-17:00

After another 20 m turn left.
After another 40 m turn left.
After another 160 m turn right, to head along Fyans Creek Loop.

After another 90 m cross the bridge (about 7 m long)
After another 125 m turn sharp right.

After another 335 m continue straight.
After another 750 m veer right, to head along Boronia Trail.

After another 4.3 km head through/around the gate.

At the intersection of Bellfield Fireline & Boronia Trail continue straight, to head along Bellfield Fireline (a vehicle track).

After another 1.6 km continue straight, to head along Bellfield Fireline.

After another 1.2 km head through/around the gate.
After another 3 m turn left, to head along Bellfield Fireline.

After another 145 m continue straight, to head along Bellfield Fireline.
After another 680 m (at the intersection of Grampians Road & Bellfield Fireline) turn right, to head along Grampians Road (a road).

After another 620 m cross the bridge (about 10 m long)

After another 55 m (at the intersection of Grampians Road & Ingleton Track) continue straight, to head along Grampians Road.

After another 1.9 km continue straight, to head along Grampians Road.
After another 240 m (at the intersection of Grampians Road & Silverband Road) continue straight, to head along Grampians Road.

After another 15 m continue straight, to head along Grampians Road.

After another 20 m cross the bridge (about 15 m long)

After another 1 km continue straight, to head along Grampians Road.
After another 1.1 km turn right.

After another 155 m pass the toilet (20 m on your right).

Then come to the "Lake Bellfield Viewing Point" (15 m on your right).
After another 5 m continue straight.

After another 55 m continue straight.
After another 195 m turn right.

After another 105 m continue straight.
After another 120 m veer left.
After another 580 m continue straight.

After another 115 m pass the "Halls Gap Fitness Park" (15 m on your right).

After another 540 m continue straight.

After another 520 m continue straight.
After another 310 m continue straight.

After another 35 m turn left.
After another 20 m come to the end.