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Articles by Ian Keith Hunter

Best of SA
October 2015

p.5 October is Australia’s Walking Month

p.6 Best walks of SA

p.24 Letter From the Minister

p.28 Bushwalking Leadership South Australia

p.31 In the News

p.32 A Weekend in Deep Creek Conservation Park

p.36 Banrock Station Lagoon Walk

p.40 The Friends of the Heysen Trail

p.44 Photo gallery

p.62 Gear Freak

p.66 Walking With Children

p.72 CEJ’s South Australian Bushwalking Website

p.75 In the News

p.76 Health Check

p.79 In the News

p.80 Book Review

p.82 Happy Hour and Evening Treats

p.85 Magazines

p.86 The Bush It Gives Me Pleasure

Letter From the Minister
SA Minister Ian Keith Hunter MLC
Ian Keith Hunter Environment Australia South Australia
Letter From the Minister October 2015
SA Minister Ian Keith Hunter MLC
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Ian Keith Hunter
Australia South Australia