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20 | Bushwalk June 2022

The drowned land Andrew Smith


Sunrise at the lakeIandsmith

Cascading John Walker

Rocky top Brian Eglinton


June 2021

WinnerBurn-off colour North-north-west

One spot I always stop at when driving the Scotts Peak Road is the Edgar Lookout. The views are especially good when enhanced by late evening or early morning light. And, sometimes, a little judicious scrub clearance by the authorities can also add to the beauty. Makes it easier to ramble around, too.

22 | Bushwalk June 2022

Winter BanksiasJohn Walker

Horse Head Brian Eglinton

Winter fractalsNorth-north-west


June 2021

WinnerMusk lorikeets Iandsmith

I hadn't seen musk lorikeets in some time and I just chanced upon them while riding the Budgewoi Lake Loop Trail. They were obviously part human and didn't fly away immediately, allowing me to get this shot.


Western Creek Teak


June 2021

WinnerGetting Wedged North-north-west

A Southwest Abel with a good track that's an easy day walk is something of a rarity. So is good weather down there. Putting the two together makes for some unforgettable moments.

24 | Bushwalk June 2022

Sunrise, Lake Munmorah Iandsmith

River gauge spillway John Walker

Wanganderry sunset Tom Brennan

Other States

June 2021

WinnerKaiser Stuhl Brian Eglinton

The very long Heysen Trail in South Australia passes over a wooded and rocky edge to the Adelaide Hills before it drops into the Barossa Valley. This German connection led to the name of the Conservation Park we passed through. We found this marvellous rocky area of Yackas when exploring off the main track for the rock outcrops used for bouldering.



July 2021

WinnerGlimpses of another worldNorth-north-west

Morning fog and a thick blanket of snow can make even the most familiar places seem new and exciting. What is to be found beyond the double veil?

Red sky in the morning, shepherd's warning Osik

Light Range Brian Eglinton

Traversing the local river gorge John Walker

26 | Bushwalk June 2022


July 2021

WinnerPardalottes Brian Eglinton

These little birds are often heard with their double chirps, but are harder to see due to their small size and working the tops of tall trees. On this section of the Heysen Trail we passed a tree where a lot of them were flitting around, so I was able to get a couple of Striated Pardolotes perched together.

Aquatic company Osik

The Yeti North-north-west

Blueberry Ash (Elaeocarpus reticulatus) John Walker


Whitewater wall on a winter's day Osik


July 2021

WinnerSnowy summit North-north-west

Snowy by name and, midwinter, snowy by nature. A grand place to explore; just be careful on those icy rocks.

28 | Bushwalk June 2022

Other States

July 2021

WinnerEvening light on Lake Cargelligo Osik

It's only short, but traversing the shores of Lake Cargelligo gives ample opportunity to spot a huge variety of birds and a chance to catch a beautiful sunset or two.

Babbage Falls Crollsurf

Sunset from Marschalls Hut Brian Eglinton

Giant's marblesJohn Walker