Horsnell Gully Waterfall Hike

45 min to 1 h
20 min to 30 min

2.4 km

↑ 180 m
↓ -180 m

Hard track
Starting from the car park at the end of Horsnell Gul­ly Road, Horsnell Gully, this walk takes you to Horsnell Gully Waterfall and back via the Waterfall Hike. Located in the Ade­laide Hills, Horsnell Gully Conservation Park features an exten­sive net­work of sign­post­ed walk­ing trails and is home to diverse native wildlife, including west­ern grey kan­ga­roos, koalas and short-beaked echidnas. The park was named after John Horsnell, once coachman to Governor Gawler, and contains relics of the Horsnell fam­i­ly prop­er­ty, includ­ing the remains of a large home­stead and its coach­ing sheds, sta­ble and cow­sheds. This short but challenging bushwalk meanders through forested valleys of river red gums and blue gums, following a small creek to Horsnell Gully Waterfall. Once the walk reaches the bot­tom of the water­fall, walkers can follow the steep and narrow trail to the top, which has a loose rocky surface that can be slippery in wet weather but offers rewarding views of the city of Adelaide peeking out between the tree-covered hills. This walk consists of narrow walk­ing trails, with uneven natural surfaces, compacted natural surfaces, loose rocky surfaces, steep hills and creek crossings, suitable for moderate fitness levels. Let us begin by acknowledging the Traditional Custodians of the land on which we travel today, and pay our respects to their Elders past and present.
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