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Competition: Lanscape August 2012

View from the eastern side of Cradle Mountain with a view over Benson PeakBiggbird

Photo Gallery

30 | BWA August 2016

BWA Photo Competition

BWA August 2016 | 31

Other States

August 2015

I spy lunchJohn Walker


Horsnell StepsBrian Eglinton

It was a late winter's day and I wanted to go for a walk to test a new telephoto lens. A was a bit short on time so I decided to revisit the Curra Moors Circuit in Royal National Park, an old favourite. Making quick work of the first four kilometres or so I arrived at the Coast Track near the ubiquitous Eagle Rock. I took a lunch break overlooking Curracurrong Creek and noticed a White Faced Heron wading in search of its lunch. With the zoom lens I was able to get a bit closer without disturbing the bird - something that never happens for me with wildlife!

32 | BWA August 2016

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August 2015

Beyond the passNick Morgan


Sassafras near Lees PaddocksRolfe de la Motte

Heaven on the Cradle PlateauPeter Grant

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34 | BWA August 2016

BWA August 2016 | 35


August 2015

Winged for a white winterNick Morgan


My serene lunch spotJohn Walker

Even the ripples froze: winter on Kunanyi, Mt WellingtonPeter Grant

Blooming hillsideBrian Eglinton

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36 | BWA August 2016

BWA August 2016 | 37


August 2015

No work, no worriesNick Morgan


Wrath on the rocksJohn Walker

"Me corduroy's frozen!"Peter Grant

Natural necklaceBrian Eglinton

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38 | BWA August 2016

BWA August 2016 | 39

Other States

September 2015

On the edge of vastnessBrian Eglinton


Misty day on Major Mitchell PlateauIan Foletta

Late afternoon at Natures WindowFarefam

The Flinders Ranges in SA are a very long series of ranges stretching north south. They go from higher rainfall southern sections to far north desert sections. But in all cases it is a corridor of mountains with vast plains on either side, sometimes with large salt lakes in view.

This photo was early morning from the Dutchmans Stern Conservation Park near Quorn in the middle Flinders. On a long trip into Eyre Peninsula we opted for a bivouac on the mountains rather than a motel room. Much better to get in some exercise and to enjoy a nice quiet meal in the outdoors on rock seats with views that went forever. On the walk out in the morning, we went to the key lookout on the track. Here we had a great platform with a view towards our later destination - somewhere way out there beyond the horizon. The foothills were still a lovely green from winter rains and we remembered an earlier wet walk on the Heysen Trail that comes up through the creek beds directly below. Some Wedged-tail Eagles were drifting on the winds overhead as we enjoyed the view. A motel room had no chance against this kind of experience.

Evening glowBeardless

After the devastationJohn Walker

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BWA August 2016 | 41


September 2015

Morning has brokenLouise Fairfax


Rising aboveNorth-north-west

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42 | BWA August 2016

BWA August 2016 | 43


September 2015

Gold and whiteNorth-north-west


Peace on highLouise Fairfax

Air of a coming changeNick Morgan

At the crossingJohn Walker

Sunrise at the Murchison River GorgeFarefam

Alligator GorgeBrian Eglinton

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BWA August 2016 | 45


September 2015

Winter decorationsNorth-north-west


Wildflowers at Z BendFarefam

Reaching outBeardless

Don't mind me, just warming upBrian Eglinton

Angophora and friendJohn Walker

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BWA August 2016 | 47