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Sutherland Bushwalking Club

menu_book picture_as_pdf bookVanessa Hicks Bushwalk Inspiration Australia New South Wales

Camping in Namadgi National Park, Australian Capital TerritoryVanessa Hicks

In 1969 a small informal group working at Australian Atomic Energy Commission at Lucas Heights, all scouting ex-Rovers, discussed their adventures and various bush sports that with the collapse of some Rover Crews it left a void. So began on Australia Day 1969 the first of many casually arranged activities. Starting small with about 13 participants a name was created, “Sydney Bush Ramblers” but over time this did not reflect the location in Sydney where this group based themselves, nor did it help to attract new members. In 1977 it was decided to change the name to Sutherland Bushwalking Club (SBC) and as they say the rest is history.

Sutherland Bushwalking Club

Vanessa Hicks

24 | BWA December 2016

Over the years the successful name change has attracted new membership each year with many founding and early members still very involved today. From a small interest group to an active thriving club of over 300 members today. Celebrating 45 years with a car camp at Killalea on the south coast recently was a milestone.

How a club starts and why is it’s history but continuing the vision is the duty of the current membership. This vision includes promoting of safe bush sports, training and guidance for new interested members, and the all important companionship. Staying true to the original ethos and building upon the values make for a solid member community with genuine interest in all things outdoor.

Today SBC has a quarterly program full of trips and ideas for bushwalking, cycling and kayaking, all ably run by volunteer activity organisers. Places never been to before or heard of make for an interesting program. Bushwalking from Royal National Park to Barren Grounds to Blue Mountains to Snowy Mountains endless ideas. Cycling in the annual “Pub to Pub” ride now in its twentieth year across many states or along the Parramatta River for example, wheels are turning. Kayakers are not forgotten - there is interest in watersports also with tours interstate or locally in the Sutherland Shire. Urban walks have become a new interest, exploring the history of our city and suburbs: you just don’t know till you explore! As if

being in Australia isn’t enough some roam overseas for more adventures. Places visited include New Zealand, Vanuatu, and Africa. Recently a group of members travelled to England and Switzerland returning to give a photo presentation at our General Meeting. SBC gives back too, creating a “track maintenance” interest group in the Royal National Park with the assistance of NPWS park rangers.

After a great day out it usually ends with a café finish which is very popular and is the social aspect of SBC. So when is a club more than a membership number, well having a coffee with friends is one big clue. Weekends away, caravan tag a-longs around this big brown country, multi-day hikes into the wilderness or just a social Christmas breakfast BBQ all these things are enjoyed with new friends.

So if you are thinking of retiring or have retired and want to do something active, interesting in the outdoors with new friends then consider a bushwalking club. If you like the Royal National Park, Heathcote National Park or any national park then Sutherland Bushwalking Club may be the place to start. Come along for a cuppa and chat at our General Meetings held at Stapleton Ave Community Hall, Sutherland on the last Wednesday of the month at 7pm except December and January. Check out the SBC website or contact us on

Celebrating clubs's 45 yearsVanessa Hicks

BWA December 2016 | 25