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Competition: Tasmania September 2009

Looking north from St Patricks Head MJD

Photo Gallery

20 | BWA August 2017

BWA Photo Competition

BWA August 2017 | 21

Other States

August 2016



Rockin' at Wyangala Iandsmith

Bathtub CreekBrian Eglinton

The Mount Stirling summit tree is an icon. Estimated to be around 400 years old, it somehow manages to survive the harshest of conditions to continue giving joy to all that visit. It truly is an enchanting scene.

Sundown approaches at the lakesJohn Walker

22 | BWA August 2017

BWA August 2017 | 23


August 2016


Everyone goes to Bay of Fires, fewer bother with Humbug Point, which suits me just fine. Dawn and dusk at Skeleton Point make for wonderful photographic opportunites, and the five minute walk means even I have no excuses for not taking the tripod.

Winter trailsCameron Semple

And so, we bid a fond farewell to the light ...North-north-west

Rainforest, Mt Fortescue Peter Grant

24 | BWA August 2017

BWA August 2017 | 25


August 2016

Aurora over FreycinetCameron Semple


Up the valleyNorth-north-west

A narrow passageAJW Canyon2011

Granite country Iandsmith

The Pole, the Candlestick and the Cape casting shadowsPeter Grant

After moving to Hobart in early 2016, capturing an Aurora Australis image was high on my list. This shot taken from the Cape Tourville Lighthouse at Freycinet was my first decent capture, and what an amazing place for it.

Mt HaywardBrian Eglinton

Enjoying the viewJohn Walker

26 | BWA August 2017

BWA August 2017 | 27


August 2016

Hanging onBrian Eglinton


Red browed finchIandsmith

Sunrise, Munro BightPeter Grant

Glowing, Fingal BeachLorraine Parker

Frosted remnants of autumnNorth-north-west

Hidden off the Heysen Track north of Aroona Hut is Bathtub Creek. It is typical of Flinders Ranges gorges, with bright coloured rocks and plants clinging desperately to whatever soil and cracks they can find. My friend pointed out this spindly tree high above us. It had probably got established in a crack and eventually grew to the point of splitting the rock apart exposing its roots to the air.

Another aspect of the "bones of the earth" that appeals in the Flinders.

Frozen GumsMaree Semple

Standing the test of timeJohn Walker

28 | BWA August 2017

BWA August 2017 | 29

Other States

September 2016

Sunrise on Wonaka Hill Brian Eglinton


Springtime ApsleyIandsmith

The charisma of UloolaJohn Walker

After three days exploring in the Heysen Range, we stopped over at Rawnsley Park near Wilpena Pound. My friend was not an early morning type, but being challenged, we both climbed the nearby ridges for all-round views at sunrise.

In the Flinders, the air is normally crisp and clear on winter mornings. So as the many ranges of orange quartzite in view were starting to glow in that special morning light, I was able to get a distant view of Wonaka Hill, many kilometres to the south. A common, but special sight in the Flinders.

After the Storm - Second FallsBeardless

30 | BWA August 2017

BWA August 2017 | 31


September 2016


The PipesCameron Semple

Walking 4WD tracks can be a pain, but sometimes they're worth it. Climies, between Trial Harbour and Granville Harbour, is my favourite. It runs through open heath and sedgeland, with the mountains on one side and wild coasts on the other, and massive granite boulders mushrooming out of the ground. Sunshine is a bonus.

Rockin' on North-north-west

32 | BWA August 2017

BWA August 2017 | 33


September 2016

Typical west coast weatherNorth-north-west


Shoal Bay sunriseCameron Semple

Rawnsley morningBrian Eglinton

Xanthorrhoean delightsIandsmith

Waterfall abseilAJW Canyon2011

Some places just can't live up to the hype; others give far more than expected. Mt Agnew was one of the latter. There's a bit of everything on the climb, and the conditions that day also had a bit of everything - fog, wind, rain, sleet and even snow flurries, with patches of brilliant sunshine and rainbows below me. It's the sort of thing you learn to expect on the west coast, but it's still breathtaking.

The ephemeral Hazel FallsJohn Walker

34 | BWA August 2017

BWA August 2017 | 35


September 2016

Drinks breakCameron Semple


Striated PardaloteIandsmith


Here's looking at you kidBrian Eglinton

Spring wattleJohn Walker

Capturing an image of a wombat is usually a thrill in itself. However, on Maria Island the number of wombats is so high that I had to set the bar higher. As we walked along the beach near Encampment Cove this gorgeous creature casually wandered down for a drink in what must have been a fresh water soak in the dunes. Such a privilege to see.

A nice day in the sunAJW Canyon2011

White waterBeardless

36 | BWA August 2017

BWA August 2017 | 37