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Malbena Matters!

menu_book picture_as_pdf bookDan Broun Environment Australia Tasmania Walls of Jerusalem NP

On Sunday 20 September 2020, Fishers and Walkers Against Helicopter Access (FAWAHA) hosted a public meeting to update stakeholders on the various issues around the Lake Malbena development proposal by Wild Drake Pty Ltd.

Greg French at the meeting Dan Broun

Malbena Matters!The 20 September Meeting

Dan Broun

46 | BWA October 2020

A series of speakers spoke about their connection to place, their views on the proposal, the history of helicopter tourism in the Tasmanian Wilderness World Heritage Area (TWWHA), campaign updates and the broader issues of the erosion of public input into decision making over public land.

MC'd by Dan Broun and Jenny Smith of FAWAHA, the Miena Community Centre was at a COVID-regulated capacity of 100 Tasmanians from all walks of life, anglers, bushwalkers and Central Highlands locals. Opening speaker Sharnie Everett of the Tasmanian Aboriginal Centre welcomed the crowd to yingina/Great Lake and spoke of the history and connection to the area of the palawa community. She also refuted the proposed development as disrespectful and unwelcome to the Tasmanian Aboriginal Community. Tom Allen from the Wilderness Society then spoke of the values of the area, of wilderness as a concept and how the Halls Island development will fundamentally erode those values and Tasmania's "brand". He also launched a fund for nature - a fundraising drive to help groups like FAWAHA with their activities as well as the activities The Wilderness Society undertakes in this battle to protect wilderness values.

Following Mr Allen, Nick Sawyer from the Tasmanian National Parks Association (TNPA) spoke of the history of helicopter tourism proposals in the TWWHA and particularly on the Central Plateau. In the past after studies and periods of public feedback any proposals were dropped - he highlighted how in the past public sentiment was taken seriously and was the deciding factor in stopping heli-tourism in its tracks, and how despite even larger public opposition in the Lake Malbena case public opinion has been sidelined and dismissed. These themes of ignoring public opinion and disrespecting traditional users were picked up by the next speaker, Brett Smith, an angler and founder of FAWAHA. Mr Smith spoke passionately about fishing in the Western Lakes and about the erosion of democratic principles in Tasmania.

The next speaker was Craig Garland, fisher from the north-west coast and a political aspirant who condemned the two major political parties and their secretive and divisive tactics. The simmering frustration felt by all speakers and the crowd found a voice with Mr Garland's no-nonsense address to the crowd. Those gathered were left reassured by Mr Garland's announcement

Malbena Matters campaignersDan Broun

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Greg French telling everyone to "Maintain the Rage" because that's what will end this! Dan Broun

he would again run as a political aspirant to represent local people and to defend the values the collected crowd obviously hold dear. The final speaker was Greg French, a legend of angling in the Western Lakes and a renowned author. He spoke brightly and with purpose of his love of the area, his history in the area and of the corruption inherent in the processes set up by politicians and bureaucrats to push for private development throughout the TWWHA. Mr French bought the crowd together as one when he called for them to get noisy and to "maintain the rage".

The meeting wound up with a Q&A session, an informal chat while indulging in delicious scones, cakes and other refreshments supplied generously by the Miena Community Association. A number of actions were given to the crowd by organisers. Here's a summary.

Tasmanian Labor is on the brink of backflipping on their public commitment to maintain rights of appeal in "Major Projects" legislation proposed to pass very soon. This includes "major projects" inside World Heritage Areas. Please tell Rebecca White MP that Labor should stick to their word. It's not a lot to ask! Phone and email here.

When the Commonwealth Government call for public submissions we need to get massive numbers. Sussan Ley MP should

recognise that the impact on World Heritage values is unacceptable and she can reject it.

The opposition to Malbena and privatising our wild places is getting stronger and bigger. Take a look at the ABC Hobart poll. At the time of writing the count was in excess of 850 comments and 99% were dead against it. Have you actually met anyone who says this is a good idea?

Tourism operators and members of the Tourism Industry Council Tasmania can and should speak out and use their voice because sending choppers into our wild places has no public support and it's the opposite of Tassies "brand". Who does the TICT represent?

There are plenty of alternatives to developing the heart of our wild places. There are plenty of places on public and private land that have road access that could provide excellent tourism opportunities.

The Wilderness Society and Tasmanian National Parks Association Supreme Court appeal is on 2 October and you can donate to this here.

We filled the Miena Hall and the locals at the Great Lake Community Centre can put on a great spread. Thank you!

48 | BWA October 2020

Fishers and Walkers Against Helicopter Access campaign posterDan Broun

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