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Competition: Landscape June 2012

Dawn at Surveyors Pool Tom Brennan

Photo Gallery

18 | BWA June 2021

BWA Photo Competition

BWA June 2021 | 19


June 2020


Fainter SouthSnowgum GroveSam Denniston

Misty morning on the BibbNigel H

Deep viewBrian Eglinton

A late arvo ramble, Mount Razorback to the northOsik

Forests and farmsNorth-north-west

Mount DifficultMulgaBill

Pretty Creek GullyJohn Walker

20 | BWA June 2021

BWA June 2021 | 21


June 2020


Lunch timeBrian Eglinton

Small birds are a challenge to photograph as they quickly flit around the trees and bushes.

This red browed finch was pausing long enough to get the shot as it was scoffing some seeds for lunch in Morialta Gorge.

Yellow Fungi, Mount Difficult RangeMulgaBill

Last rays of sun (Tree of life)Nigel H

Life continues on a fallen giantOsik

Grass Tree spike spikes!Tom Brennan

The things that you findJohn Walker

Mycena interuptaNorth-north-west

22 | BWA June 2021

BWA June 2021 | 23

Other States

June 2020


Second FallsBrian Eglinton

Adelaide has the remarkable Morialta Gorge within a short distance from the CBD. It has a series of waterfalls and is often frequented by rock climbers drawn to its walls.

Second Falls can be viewed from various tracks, but it is a bit of a scramble seeking to avoid blackberries to get to its base.

This is the view a short distance downstream near some enormous fallen blocks.

The Old Quarry PondJohn Walker

Light strikes the canopy floor near the grave of a fallen heroOsik

Wanganderry sunsetTom Brennan

24 | BWA June 2021

BWA June 2021 | 25


June 2020


Back in the forestNorth-north-west

They finally lengthened the leash during our pandemic lockdown in June. Cape Surville was the first decent walk since coming off the Port Davey Track in March and it didn't disappoint, especially the beautiful little pocket of rainforest halfway along the track.

26 | BWA June 2021

BWA June 2021 | 27


July 2020


Mount AbruptBrian Eglinton

The Flinders Ranges are notable for rich colours. The best time to walk is the cooler months, and the Heysen Trail makes for good multi-day walking. It runs along the valley under the north wall of Wilpena Pound which swings north to become the Heysen Range.

Early in that range is Mount Abrupt, a peak that stands out from the rest. Here its quartzite faces contrast with the light colour of the limestone foothills and the green of the native pines spaced out over the deep red soils.

Time to find a campsiteNorth-north-west

Dove LakeGraham51

Recumbent viewJohn Walker

Last light on the pagodasTom Brennan

The DripIandsmith

28 | BWA June 2021

BWA June 2021 | 29


July 2020


Crazy pavingNorth-north-west

The magic of springIandsmith

How's the view, sister?John Walker

WeebilBrian Eglinton

Ice pools have always fascinated me due to the myriad patterns they form, but this day - wandering around up on Western Bluff - was the first (indeed, the only) time I have seen angular patterns like this. Perhaps someone out there can explain the physics behind it; I'll stick to photographing them.

30 | BWA June 2021

BWA June 2021 | 31

Other States

July 2020


ABC dawnBrian Eglinton

Vertical perspectiveJohn Walker

Getting up early and doing some off track scrambling in the open forests and rocky ridges of the ABC Range leads to fantastic views of the morning sun on the north wall of Wilpena Pound.

This view covers from Point Bonney on the left past St Marys Peak and the Sawtooth to Mount Abrupt.

Morning mist through the treesTom Brennan

The DripIandsmith

Mugii Murum-banOsik

32 | BWA June 2021

BWA June 2021 | 33


July 2020


Winter peakbaggingNorth-north-west

West of CradleGraham51

Fog, snow and icy rock - Ben Lomond has it all, any time of year, but most of all in winter.

34 | BWA June 2021

BWA June 2021 | 35