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High mountain

menu_book picture_as_pdf bookStephen Lake Inspiration Australia

Jagungal from Mawsons HutStephen Lake

High Mountain

Stephen Lake

60 | BWA August 2021

Tune: Moon River

High mountain, way up in the sky,Climbing on your ridge I'll fly, today.A fine bush track, with my rucksack.Whenever I'm with you I'm happy this way.

Out walking, off to see the peaks,There's such a lot of peaks to see.Each day there are views sublime, sharing all good times,In bushland I'll be fine, wild places and me.

Wild country, camping so remote,Down rivers I will float with friendsThrough scrub slipping, the day tripping.I'm glad to be with you, a rainbow to end.

Warm sunshine, hear the song birds' calls,Our journey to the falls, we'll see.Each day has a good campsite, settled for the night.Everything is right, wild places and me.

High mountain, way up in the sky,Climbing on your ridge I'll fly, today.A fine bush track, with my rucksack.Whenever I'm with you I'm happy this way.

BWA August 2021 | 61