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Competition: Landscape December 2012

Scorapia and AnneDoogs

Photo Gallery

26 | BWA December 2021 Photo Competition

BWA December 2021 | 27


December 2020


Bullimah Track sunriseCrollsurf

The Bullimah Spur Track on the NSW Central Coast is a short walk through a tall red gum forest and ancient ferns. At the end of the walk is an expansive view overlooking most of the Bouddi National Park. This particular view I have visited many times in the past, to check out one of my favourite surf spots and to see if it's worth making what used to be an overgrown 1.5 hour walk to the distant point.

Lunch o'clockNorth-north-west

Considering my options from Alice Rawson PeakJohn Walker

Devils NoseBrian Eglinton

Storm clouds brewingBam

The PelionsDoogs

Circumnavigation Osik

28 | BWA December 2021

BWA December 2021 | 29


December 2020


Iso flowerCrollsurf

Warroa CreekNorth-north-west

Humid LicualaBunyips

Fragile and endangered Windswept Feldmark ecological communityJohn Walker

Walking in Ku-ring-gai National Park, NSW, I came across groves on Narrow-leaf Drumsticks (Isopogon anethifolius) in flower. They were larger and whiter than any I had seen before, so couldn't resist stopping to get a few nice photos.

Rock hopperBrian Eglinton

30 | BWA December 2021

BWA December 2021 | 31

Other States

December 2020


Cape Horn Crollsurf

Queen of the glacial lakesJohn Walker

Wolgan, Newnes and Ben Bullen State Forests, north-west of Sydney, although a 4WD and motor bike mecca, are also stunning places to walk. Walk anywhere to the edge of the plateaus and you will be rewarded with stunning views, gorges, and rock formations.

This day was wet and miserable, so I decided to take a drive and visit some of the more accessible 4WD spots, which included a visit to Cape Horn.

Red dirt rambling on dusk Osik

South Para RiverBrian Eglinton

32 | BWA December 2021

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December 2020


Classic Lake Elysia views Doogs

Dove Lake Boat ShedGrunter

One word, and a short one too: "ants". I've visited The Labyrinth several times, but never when the weather has been warm, so I was excited with the upcoming forecast. I'd heard about ants in the area and never realised the plague proportions that I would experience on this trip! When I took this photo I would have been hopping around and cursing them. The views are worth the dealing with the pernicious ants. Just.


34 | BWA December 2021

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January 2021



Precipitous Bluff (PB) had been on my radar for years, but I knew it was a challenging, scrubby walk. I’d looked at it cautiously from Pindars Peak three years earlier, wondering if I’d ever make it out there.

I very nearly didn’t. Several glitches early in our January trip led me to pull the pin on PB, settling for the easier peaks of Wylly and Victoria Cross.

But an early morning challenge on Wylly Plateau by my sensible friend had us quickly changing our plans back to PB. Not only did we get to visit the summit, but we got to camp on the plateau on a stunning evening - one of the best ever.

Just chillin' in the evenin'North-north-west

The ‘Bungles at duskOsik

Venus Bay cliffs Brian Eglinton

Toward the end of the rainbowJohn Walker


Osmiridium abstractSteve Waters

36 | BWA December 2021

BWA December 2021 | 37


January 2021



Snowgum octopusJohn Walker

Folded strata, Chatfield Point North-north-west

I'd planned to photograph a famous Granite Tor on the Rams Head Range in NSW, but the pond which makes the photo special was devoid of water. I didn't have a plan b, so I wondered around for a while until I came across this outcrop next to North Rams Head.

It’s also a well-known spot but I was so impressed with the location, I decided to set up camp and spend the afternoon and evening exploring and taking photos. Early in the morning, nature called and once out of bed, I couldn't resist taking a few night shots.

Leg meets mudTortoise

Coastal colour Brian Eglinton

38 | BWA December 2021

BWA December 2021 | 39

Other States

January 2021


Weather engulfs the rangeJohn Walker

A late afternoon atop Crater BluffOsik

I was holidaying in the Snowy Mountains with extended family over the Christmas break. During a very long day walk on my own up on the range I managed to aggravate an old knee injury, then had to take it easy.

So, on this very rainy day I had lunch in one of the cafes at Charlotte Pass with my wife and five year old granddaughter. For those in Sydney and Melbourne, remember eating out? I proposed a very short walk afterwards on the Snowgum boardwalk.

In the end I was the only one silly enough to go walking in the rain, but at least got some shots of dramatic weather for my troubles.

Talia Caves Brian Eglinton


40 | BWA December 2021

BWA December 2021 | 41


January 2021


New Harbour RangeNorth-north-west

New River LagoonSteve Waters

Good weather in the South West is something to savour. Good weather with a high camp is even more special, particularly when there's a new summit to bag and heaps of new ground to explore. Views can be decent, too ...

PB at peace Tortoise

42 | BWA December 2021

BWA December 2021 | 43