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Fifty Editions

menu_book picture_as_pdf bookEva Gomiscek Inspiration Australia

Golden ArchBogholesbuckethats

I can't believe that this is our fiftieth edition. What a journey it has been, with a lot of amazing people on the way.

Fifty EditionsEva Gomiscek

6 | BWA December 2021

Locations We try to find a few different walks for each edition. We've had a huge variety, kicking it off with Larapinta Trail in the first edition.

Most walks are in Australia, mainly NSW, Victoria and Tasmania, usually in wild places. There are also walks from other parts of Australia such as the Bibbulum Track, Larapinta Trail, and Flinders Ranges. We've had walks from New Zealand, Scotland, South America, America, France, and Slovenia.

In February 2015 we started a series of best walks by state and territory. We gathered information from our readers and got a nice list that is still relevant to this day.

Longer tripsWe covered a couple of walks that showed exceptional strength and endurance. One of them is the Australian Alps Walking Track fastest known time, a great challenge that was tackled in 11 days and 9 hours. Another party did the AAWT in winter. There was a traverse of south-west Tasmania, a major trip. Island Lagoon was walked by Nick Gleeson, who is blind. Wow!

Learn about the way he tackled this obstacle and made it a victory. Sonya wrote about her regular ski trips with the Bobs.

Improving bushwalksWe're passionate about the state of bushwalking tracks and want to know how they can be even better. Learning about practices from different states is very important. Articles such as Long-distance walking tracks in Australia - how we can make them better, and National Park News discuss how overnight walks could and probably should be improved. Something to make you think and discuss with fellow walkers on your next bushwalk.

Edition 1, October 2013

Edition 3, February 2014

Edition 7, October 2014

Edition 10, April 2015

Edition 39, February 2020

Volume 36, August 2019

Volume 31, October 2018

Edition 37, October 2019

Edition 49, October 2021

Edition 36, August 2019

BWA December 2021 | 7

Edition 10, April 2015

Safety in the bush This is another topic we're passionate about. Articles such as Rescue: Inside and out, and First aid kit describe what can happen in the bush and how to be well prepared for it.

Protecting natureProtecting bushwalkers is one thing, but protecting the nature we walk in is another. Articles such as Wilderness disrupted and Malbena matters talk about that.

This great bushland is very special, and so are the ways we can enjoy it. Articles such as Five benefits of silent bushwalking introduces us to a different kind of bushwalking as well as giving us the opportunity to be more open to the sounds of nature.

Walking with familiesThere's one more topic we're fond of but do not have many people writing about. We've covered it in articles such as Walking with children and Teddy goes trekking.

ReflectionsSome have been very poetic about bushwalking and made us cherish the bush even more, such as Spirit of place: leeawuleena and High mountain.

Delicious foodAnd at the end our one and only Sonya keeps creating new recipes for the time in the bush to be even more joyous.

Edition 26, December 2017

Edition 41, June 2020

Edition 49, October 2021

Edition 48, August 2021

Edition 41, June 2020

Edition 13, October 2015

Edition 29, June 2018

Edition 41, June 2020

Edition 11, June 2015

Edition 40, April 2020

Edition 43, October 2020

8 | BWA December 2021