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Competition: Landscape April 2015

The drowned land Andrew Smith

Photo Gallery

32 | BWA April 2022 Photo Competition

BWA April 2022 | 33


April 2021


Going going gone Rob Croll

Sunsets on the Western faces of the Main Range in New South Wales are spectacular, even on a cloudless evening.

Bombo rocks - it certainly does!Iandsmith

Early morning light on the BibbBam

Autumn highlights Tortoise

The other side of Cradle North-north-west

Formby Bay Brian Eglinton

Lake Oberon, Western ArthursMulgaBill

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BWA April 2022 | 35


April 2021


Big old Snow Gum Rob Croll

A hard life Tortoise

Frozen North-north-west

Bomaderry Creek Regional Reserve Iandsmith

An old giant Snow Gum that many walking from Illawong Hut up to Mount Twynam would know.

What remains Brian Eglinton

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BWA April 2022 | 37

Other States

April 2021


Anderson sunset Rob Croll

Rocky Brian Eglinton

Perfect weather on the Main Range over Easter allowed camping on the Western faces, enjoying amazing views and spectacular sunsets.

Walking out after three days in the Kanangra Walls Osik

Bomaderry Creek Regional Reserve Iandsmith

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BWA April 2022 | 39


April 2021


Pool of Bethesda North-north-west

Who needs the wide views when you can have this? Bethesda is always beautiful, and cold, misty mornings just make you more aware of the closer intricacies.

Morning light in the Labyrinth Tortoise

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BWA April 2022 | 41


May 2021


Infinity GorgeRibuck

Infinity Gorge lies just across the Chewings Range from the Redbank access road, and can be visited as a day trip that also takes in both ends of Redbank Gorge and the saddle of Mt Sonder. After a wet season, a delightful string of pools nestles between the glowing orange walls, interspersed with pleasant scrambles - but there's some prickly vegetation up on top.

The bright light of the Red Centre is conducive to taking photos with a phone, and this one was taken with a Samsung S10e.

A view you can bank on John Walker

Paddy's Rob Croll

Bararranna Pools Brian Eglinton

Sunset over the ChewingsTom Brennan

The mirror North-north-west

Bongon Head Iandsmith

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BWA April 2022 | 43


May 2021


Winter stream North-north-west

Follow any of the tracks climbing kooparoona niara and you'll spend at least a little time beside a creek or rivulet or baby river. During winter, the higher reaches invitably add frozen decorations.

Signposts in the desert Brian Eglinton

Flutterbyes Ribuck

The preening Iandsmith

Rare and resilient Isopogon Fletcheri continues its renewal post-2020 inferno John Walker

Delicate Tom Brennan

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BWA April 2022 | 45

Other States

May 2021


Goanna Track Brian Eglinton

Stark reminders John Walker

The Chambers Pillar Historical Reserve sits on the edge of the Simpson Desert. The breakaway landforms are interspersed with sand dunes.

We had a delightful day exploring the various rock pillars and eroded structures. I particularly liked the untouched look of the sand dunes with the various animal tracks on them.

Sunrise at Portals Tom Brennan

Storm surf at Snapper Point Iandsmith

Ground nest Ribuck

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May 2021


Foggy morning in the highlandsNorth-north-west

The last morning of a long ramble into the Walls and out again ticked off a lot of must-do items from the list. The sun came out eventually, but I could have happily gone all the way home with it like this.

48 | BWA April 2022