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Merino Wool Underwear

menu_book picture_as_pdf bookPaul Goodsell Gear Australia

BWA April 2022 | 55

Glass House Mountains National Park, QueenslandDaygin Prescott

Merino Wool Underwear

Paul Goodsell

56 | BWA April 2022

Merino wool underwear is breathableThe reality is the human crotch tends to get sweaty. Wearing tight, non-breathable fabrics down there exasperates the problem. Physical activities like hiking, climbing, cycling, skiing, and running exacerbates it further. So, when choosing good underwear, breathability should be high on the list, and merino wool underwear is really breathable. As Woolmark puts it: “Merino wool is one of the most breathable fibres. Wool fibres can absorb large quantities of moisture vapour then move it away to evaporate into the air.”

Merino wool underwear wicks moisture wellThere’s nothing worse than soggy jocks. Eek, it pained me to type this sentence. I could have probably put it more tastefully, but a spade’s a spade. Merino wicks that moisture away quick, smart, meaning you feel more comfortable even in warm conditions.

Another benefit of the moisture-wicking qualities of merino garments is you can wash them and wear them again quickly. Imagine you’re backpacking around Europe next northern hemisphere summer. You’re travelling light. You don’t want to have to carry a dozen pairs of undies or spend all your time at the laundromat. I remember backpacking around Germany a few years back and struggling to find laundromats. Wash your merino underwear in the basin, pop them on the shower rail, and they’re dry in the morning. I can’t say the same about cot-ton.

And, of course, if you get soaked through in that downpour, you can reasonably have some dry jocks after drying them in the tent or hut.

Merino wool underwear is odour resistant Hikers are a resilient lot - or are we just a bit grotty? The Overland Track with a couple of pairs of underwear and socks, one T-shirt, that’s a pretty standard fare. Merino wool undies will stay fresher, longer. If they need a bit of refreshment, you can always give them a dunk in the stream - or go for a dip yourself with them on.

Merino underwear teamed with a merino T-shirt makes for a fresh-as-a-daisy hiking fit on those long multi-day hikes or long days on the ski slopes.

Merino wool underwear is soft and comfortableWho doesn’t want to be comfy in their dacks? We have designed our merino wool boxers and briefs to be super comfortable by using a beautiful blend of Australian merino wool, TEN-CEL™, nylon and elastane (but not too much of these to undo the benefits of the natural fibres).

Many people probably have dated views about wool, perhaps due to a scratchy school jumper. A wool T-shirt is fine, but merino wool underwear? That may be seen as a bridge too far, but it doesn’t need to be. The merino fabric downstairs is just as silky, soft and non-itchy as upstairs on your body.

To read more about the merino wool underwear and shirts or if you want to order them, check out the Ottie website.

Ikara-Flinders Ranges National Park, SA Tim Joy

Merino wicks that moisture away quick, smart ...

BWA April 2022 | 57