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TextEva Gomiscek

If you or your friends have spent too much time on the couch over the past while, then maybe Walktober is the motivation needed to get more active again.

50 | Bushwalk October 2022

As bushwalkers we might get out and do big walks a few times a year, but regular short walks are fun and good for us. Research shows that if we sit for about eight hours a day, the impact on our health is similar to that of smoking or being obese. The good news is you don’t need to quit your job, but making time for 60 minutes of moderately intense physical activity each day will help balance sitting for too long each day.

Walktober Australia health awareness initiative challenges everyone to walk for 31 minutes each day of the month (31 days in October, so 31 minutes). The hope is that if we go for a walk each day in a month then we will have a good new habit and better friendships. It doesn’t matter about your age, your fitness or your pace, everyone can participate. What do you say, are you in?

As an avid bushwalker you may well prefer longer walks, but most people don’t have enough time for longer walks every day. So

this October, consider asking your friends, family, and neighbours to join you, and you can go and explore your neighbourhood together. Maybe join a club, or ask others on forum to join you. Who knows, you might meet some other like-minded people and become bushwalking buddies on your overnight walks. If you rather do solo walking, then you can skip that step and just get started.

Maybe you can use this time to try out different walking styles that might turn out to be more fun than you initially thought. Maybe try Nordic walking, a historical or a cultural walk, a chatty social walk, a silent mindfulness walk, power walking, a hill challenge, beach walking, garden walks, walk to work, sunrise walks or even a zombie run (yep, it is a thing, google it.)

If you are into organised and group events, then there are lots on. So let's do this and make the Walktober count.


AustraliaAdventure DayInternational Adventure Day is 16 October, so why not seize the opportunity and plan a special day out for you and your family or friends?

National Walk your dog weekTake out your four-legged friend on 1-7 October, a perfect week to do special walks and your 31 minutes a day as well.

Walk For Mental HealthMental Health Foundation Australia is preparing a short walk in support of mental health diseases. Join them live or on a virtual walk on 16 October in any capital city in Australia.

Walk for PremsLife’s Little Treasures Foundation organises short walks in several cities in Australia on 23 October. Join them on the day or become a Walk for Prems Warrior for walking until 23 October and raise money for the cause.

Your bushwalking clubCheck the calendar of your bushwalking club (if you're not a member why not consider joining one this October) and try to participate in as many events as possible.

VictoriaFedWalks2022Benalla Bushwalking Club, Warby Range Bushwalkers and Border Bushwalking Club are organising a FedWalks2022 event in the Warby Ranges and Wangaratta Region on 1-2 October. It includes several different walks so register quickly to get a spot.

Mini Great Aussie HikeAs a preparation fort he big event, The Great Aussie Hike organises a mini event on 15 October. Register and walk with them from Beechworth to Myrtleford.

TasmaniaWalk for WildTasmanian Walking Company and WWF Australia have partnered for four different events starting on 9 October. Choose the one you like most and register to help in restoring and rehabilitating wilderness and land that were impacted by the 2019-20 bushfires.

UN Women Trek for RightsThe UN Women in Tasmania is organising a trek in Cradle Mountain National Park from 22-26 October to raise funds for UN Women's Centres. Register to be a part of this great cause and enjoy a stunning walk through Tassie's Wilderness World Heritage Area.

Beechworth Hospital ruins, Victoria

52 | Bushwalk October 2022

New South WalesBridge WalkThis wellness walk celebrates the tenth anniversary this year. Join them either for the virtual walk during 3-9 October or at the major live event in Sydney on 9 October to support people with mental illnesses.

7 Bridges WalkCancer Council NSW organises this walk on 23 October. Register and support them by walking the 28 kilometre circuit walk around Sydney Harbour.

Guy Fawkes River NP fiftieth anniversary walk and talkNSW National Parks and Wildlife Service are organising this 7 kilometre event in celebration of 50 years of Guy Fawkes River National Park. Join them on 9 October on the return walk to Lucifers Thumb Lookout.

Sydney Harbour HikeOn 15 October the Fred Hollows Foundation organises a fundraising walk from either Bondi or Manly to finish at Kirribilli Market Park. Sign up and join them for breathtaking sights of Sydney.

Coastal Walking ChallengeMichael Tynan Challenge organises a Coastal Walk from Otford to Bundeena on 29 October. Register for the event in support of local medical research.

South AustraliaBillion Steps ChallengeWellbeing SA and 10,000 Steps are starting this challenge for the third time in a row. So if you're from SA, sign up or login here and help achieve the goal of a million steps.

The Bloody Long WalkThis 35 kilometre challenge supports people affected by mitochondrial disease (mito). Join them on 16 October in Mornington Peninsula or on 30 October in Adelaide.

Western AustraliaCoastrek, Margaret RiverOrganised by Wild Women on Top this hiking challenge for women only takes place on 28 October in Margaret River. Register quickly as they say it will be the wildest yet.

Wheezy WalkAsthma WA organises this walk to support the Western Australians who a re living with asthma. So join this challenge to help them reach the 237,000 steps by signing up and walking about 8000 steps per day.

Thinking past WalktoberWhile researching for this article we’ve come across an interesting list of walks. The article Around the World in 40 Walks explains how travelling all over our globe can now be done in a bushwalking style. Is this a new item on your bucket list?

Have a great Walktober everyone!

City walk in Sydney