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Just Published

Wild Light, new Tasmanian photo book by Grant DixonGrant's new book, Wild Light, features both grand vistas and intimate details of the wild Tasmanian landscape, including its rocky basement, cloak of vegetation and rugged mountains, and also features Tasmania’s subantarctic outpost, Macquarie Island. The book is available from November 2022. You can order your copy at

South Coast Islands by Hellen MoodyThe book is more than a travel guide. It tells of Aboriginal connections to the islands, the history of south coast exploration, and the arrival of settlers and convicts. It covers the geology, flora, lighthouses, shipwrecks, bird life and environmental values of the islands. With over 200 photographs, and maps and descriptions of how to visit every island, whether on foot or by boat, it will be a substantial, colourful book. The sale price will be $50. Email with your name and contact details to reserve a copy. You will be helping them gauge interest, be assured of a copy, and receive an invitation to a launch event.