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36 | Bushwalk October 2023

Afternoon in blue Charles Chadwick


Lost World sunriseTom Brennan

A view over The Guardians Graham51

Secret RiverJohn Walker


October 2022

WinnerWalk on the beachRob Croll

The far north coast NSW comes across as being very urbanised, but quite often you'll walk around a headland and find solitude.

38 | Bushwalk October 2023


October 2022

WinnerAs the Pink Panther tune goes ... Dead Ant! Dead Ant! Dead Ant Dead Ant Dead Ant!Tom Brennan

Lucky timing! An Eastern Water Dragon's tongue shoots out to grab one of the ants crawling over the rocks above the Wollangambe.

Sand and Rutile Rob Croll

The devil is in the detailJohn Walker

Golden WhistlerBrian Eglinton



October 2022

WinnerMount GouldGraham51

After traversing the summit ridge to reach the summit of Mount Gould our group returned to camp at the Gould Plateau tarns. This is a beautiful, secluded campsite with magnificent views in all directions.

Milkshake timeNorth-north-west

40 | Bushwalk October 2023

The GlenJohn Walker

Other States

October 2022

WinnerSun reflectionsTom Brennan

Sunbeams reflect off the water in the middle of the day in Serendipity Canyon, also known as "Why Don’t We Do It In The Road? Canyon".

Mid-north Heysen ridgesBrian Eglinton



November 2022

WinnerClarke GorgeRob Croll

The road leading into this magic limestone karst area was closed, so it seemed a perfect time to avoid the crowds, and spend a few days exploring the caves, waterfalls and gorges.

Good day to be in the SouthwestNorth-north-west

Kaiser BouldersBrian Eglinton

ConvergenceJohn Walker

42 | Bushwalk October 2023


November 2022

WinnerTied downNorth-north-west

Scoparia season is really variable. You can never be sure what you're going to get - I've seen it flowering at Pelion Gap midwinter. But this cold, late spring day at Lake Dobson it decided to turn on a show, and this specimen wasn't going anywhere.

Murray CaveRob Croll

Belle of the Bush - Cheiranthera alternifoliaVagrom

After the rainBrian Eglinton



November 2022

WinnerSlow going up thereNorth-north-west

Summer snow in our higher areas is common although not long lasting. There's always more than you would think when looking at it from a distance. Mawson wasn't too bad, but the ice and drifts on the Rodway Range made for hard work. Florentine, Naturaliste and Field West were a lot of (slippery) steps too far for a day walk.

44 | Bushwalk October 2023

Other States

November 2022

WinnerCooleman FallsRob Croll

After walking through the gorge and crossing cave a dozen times, you end up at this pretty waterfall. It continues to cascade down into a ravine on its way to Goodradigbee River.

First FallsBrian Eglinton

Callistemon seasonJohn Walker