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Competition: Australia October 2010

Morning light on the Razorback from Mt Bryan, South Australia Brian Eglinton

Photo Gallery

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BWA Photo Competition

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October 2016

Sunset over Lake PedderCameron Semple


Morning light on Mt RugbyNorth-north-west

An ocean of sandstoneJohn Walker

Dunse FallsEd Arnfield

Dawn from SpeculationStephen Lake

Up and down the Heysen fencelineBrian Eglinton

Creekton Rivulet CascadeCaedence Kuepper

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October 2016

ExploringBrian Eglinton


Morning dewNorth-north-west

Native Clematis spp.John Walker

Channel billed cuckooIandsmith

Spring snow adventureCameron Semple

There are a lot of koalas in the Adelaide Hills, and some places are very reliable for sightings. We have seen koalas on the ground, running up the smooth trunks of the gums and even fighting in deadly duels high up in the tops. It is particularly nice to see young koalas with their mothers. Morialta is one of the top spots for koalas, and it was here we found a mum and her young one. She was sleeping (as is common!) while the baby was exploring along the branch.

Pineapple Falls Mt WellingtonCaedence Kuepper

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October 2016


Creekton FallsCaedence Kuepper

I was on a solo trip to Mount Olympus via an overnight stop at Lake Oenone. As it was spring I knew the snow would melt so I started early to reach the summit via the medial moraine between the glacial cirques of Lake Oenone and Lake Helen. Pausing to look back from where I had ascended I was in awe of the landscape which lay before me. Suffice to say the of the day was fantastic too!

When you walk through the stormNorth-north-west

Lake OenoneDoogs

The NeedlesCameron Semple

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Other States

October 2016

The Arch, Grampians NPBen Trainor


Among the graniteIandsmith

Descending the gorgeJohn Walker

This rock formation is called "The Arch" and is located in the Victoria Range near the Fortress, and involves a fair amount of off-track walking. Access is from the far side, under the arch, then up the ramp going to the right. It was windy on top. I scrambled half way up a nearby local high point to take this photo. This was my second trip to this spectacular place, and I would happily return.

SkeletonBrian Eglinton

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November 2016

Machinery SpurBrian Eglinton


Valley of loveSnowzone

A stroll in the creekJohn Walker

Boulder Beach ReserveIandsmith

Inspired by photos of the Victorian Alps, I had a great desire to check out Mt Loch and Machinery Spur. At Loch car park the car was rocking due to the high winds. After struggling to open the door I was greeted by high-velocity snow and wondered if this was a good idea. But hey - I was a long way from home and the weather was not going to be like this over the next three days ...

So I headed off and it was not long before the track dropped below the wind and it was much more pleasant. Remnant patches of snow were scattered around and I met a school group from Dibbins Hut who had been blasted by the storm and were glad to be going home. The weather improved, and when I reached Mount Loch there were blue patches in the sky. Machinery Spur, Mount Feathertop and the Fainters lay before me.

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November 2016

Spotted PardaloteBrian Eglinton


Soldier onSnowzone

Swamp paperbarkJohn Walker

Orange threadtail damselflyIandsmith

While exploring the highs and lows of the Victorian Alps I was keeping an eye out for some of the great variety of birds up there.

On the descent off the bare slopes of Feathertop, in the small section of bush at the track junction near the distinctive "tree", this Spotted Pardalotte was hopping around in close proximity.

I was grateful that it was not in too much of a hurry to prevent me getting a few photos.

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November 2016


Cradle Mountain dawnSon of a Beach

Mt Olympus morningJimBob

Morning sun was taken on a camping trip to Bruny Island in spring last year. After a night at the campsite at Lighthouse Jetty Beach, we explored the beach following morning in glorious Tassie sunshine.

Willies FallsCaedence Kuepper

Morning sunGeevesy

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Other States

November 2016

Light raysSnowzone


Touching FeathertopBrian Eglinton

Boulder Beach ReserveIandsmith

The sun rising and shining its rays through snow gums at Macalister Springs was a beautiful sight prior to a wonderful day spent on the Crosscut Saw.

Perspective from a small waterfallJohn Walker

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