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Competition: Landscape August 2012

Sleeping WaterDan Broun

Photo Gallery

20 | BWA August 2018

BWA Photo Competition

BWA August 2018 | 21


August 2017

Buttaba sunrise Iandsmith


Quite remarkable North-north-west

LandslipBrian Eglinton

Pointing the way home John Walker

Just down the road from where I live there's a wonderful little park or nature reserve - I've never ascertained which it actually is. Still, it's a special place to view the sunrise from among the trees looking out across Australia's largest salt water lake (one with water in it always that is).

22 | BWA August 2018

BWA August 2018 | 23


August 2017

Grandiose forestsSnowzone


Coastal sedgeNorth-north-west

Native peaIandsmith

Heath Banksia in Muogamarra NPLorraine Parker

Ground patrolBrian Eglinton

I've seen the light ...John Walker

24 | BWA August 2018

BWA August 2018 | 25


August 2017


Being antisocial means popular tourist sites are usually off-limits, although if you get the timing right they can still be worthwhile. Late evening, after everyone else had gone, at Remarkable Cave. Just me and my tripod and camera on what were, on that coast, very calm conditions. Pity, really - a decent swell might have made it more interesting.

The sea is calm tonight ...North-north-west

26 | BWA August 2018

BWA August 2018 | 27

Other States

August 2017


Lofty streamBrian Eglinton

Sculpted by natureJohn Walker

Sunshine above the West RidgeSnowzone

View from DeerubbinIandsmith

28 | BWA August 2018

BWA August 2018 | 29


September 2017


Sturt GorgeBrian Eglinton

The Long Creek TraverseJohn Walker

On our first day exploring the Stirling Range National Park in Western Australia we climbed the highest peak, Bluff Knoll. With some daylight to spare we drove to the start of the Mount Hassell track. The sign said it would take two or three hours return. With light fading I was debating whether I could make it up and back before sunset in little over an hour. We met an older gentleman retreating. He had been on the track for four hours and had made it almost to the top, stopping before the steep scramble which leads up to the final rock tower, where he thought there would be views of Toolbrunup, the main mountain I had come to see and climb. I was inspired. I raced up Mount Hassell to discover superb views of Toolbrunup looking magnificent with rows of mountains from the western end of the range beyond. I made it back before sundown, completely satisfied. It was a wonderful first day in the Stirling Range.

Hanging Rockand Baltzer LookoutIandsmith

Toolbrunupfrom Mt HassellBen Trainor

More on the wayNorth-north-west

30 | BWA August 2018

BWA August 2018 | 31


September 2017


Fair warning ...John Walker

There's a lakeside park just down the road from where I live and, at the back of a small brick shed used for water filtration, there's a healthy grevillia - and don't the birds love it! I often go down with my birding lens and tripod just trying to get a better shot than last time and, on this occasion, managed to get a rare hovering shot of the spinebill - mission accomplished!

SundewBrian Eglinton

Eastern SpinebillIandsmith

Orchid after a shower,Torndirrup NPBen Trainor

32 | BWA August 2018

BWA August 2018 | 33


September 2017


You take a long drive followed by an evening ramble to loosen up the joints, and are suddenly presented with a very special sunset. From the Lake Spicer Track, watching the cloud slowly engulfing Murchison and its foothills.

Ghostly fingersNorth-north-west

34 | BWA August 2018

BWA August 2018 | 35

Other States

September 2017

Dunns Swamp, GanguddyIandsmith


Toolbrunup's fingerBen Trainor

Second FallsBrian Eglinton

The main campsite is set amid sandstone rock formations, the style of which can be viewed in many places around the park and occasionally there's an odd-shaped tree to add to this unusual landscape. The rock formation are colloquially known as "pagodas" and create much interest among geologists and photographers.

From the ashes rise the stoic XanthorrhoeaJohn Walker

Open feeling Better Offer AJW Canyon2011

36 | BWA August 2018

BWA August 2018 | 37