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Competition: Landscape August 2012

Yuraygir NP Iandsmith

Photo Gallery

26 | BWA August 2020

BWA Photo Competition

BWA August 2020 | 27


August 2019


The cobwebIandsmith

Bluebird day for a run in Royal NPOsik

I was doing a house sit in the Dungog area and had to take dogs for a walk on a daily basis. The fields and forest used to be lovely first thing in the morning and after I captured this image I tweaked it a fraction to make the cobweb stand out, as it was when I viewed it in the surreal lighting conditions.

Leaving the mist behindMountainMadness

Last lightBrian Eglinton

Fatal attractionJohn Walker

28 | BWA August 2020

BWA August 2020 | 29


August 2019


Wattle birdIandsmith

Looking for a frozen feastMountainMadness

A little bit of historyJohn Walker

Pencil Pine iciclesSon of a Beach

Reflecting poolBrian Eglinton

Often luck plays a part in getting bird shots if you don't do it full time. I noticed the grevillea moving and had my camera ready when he popped his head up. It was the only shot I took. Other days I've spend hours and shot nothing as good.

First flowers of springVagrom

30 | BWA August 2020

BWA August 2020 | 31


August 2019


Halls ButtressSon of a Beach

A ramble on the east coastOsik

Icy summitMountainMadness

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Other States

August 2019


Giles loomsBrian Eglinton

Sunrise on the hillIandsmith

The Coast never disappointsJohn Walker

Having visited the West MacDonnell Ranges a few times before, the great Mount Giles was an unfulfilled destination.

It is the third highest peak in the Northern Territory and promised a grand outlook over a very wild country. So it was a great factor in accepting an invitation to a remote walk in the area with someone very familiar with the place. It was a very warm August day when we headed out, first through some burnt country and then off track across a typically rocky landscape.

The sight of Giles ahead caused two reactions - a thrill that I might actually get there, and the relief of knowing that there was water in them thar hills.

We were definitely getting away from it all.

A afternoon on Fortress ridgeOsik

34 | BWA August 2020

BWA August 2020 | 35


September 2019

Yourambulla morningNorth-north-west


Down in the valleyJohn Walker

Sunset on Mount Jerusalem 14.09.2019Orbita_Serenitatem

Winter is arid lands or snow. Last year, it was back to the Centre and the Flinders Ranges; the latter to check out part of the long distance Heysen Trail. It covers everything from coast through forest and farm to high rocky ridges. The stretch across the Yourambulla Range is possibly the best of it, and there are few better places to watch the sunrise.

It is a good day to look towards the skyRibuck

Thank goodness I woke upIandsmith

Bowmans GapBrian Eglinton

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BWA August 2020 | 37


September 2019

Crimson chatBrian Eglinton


Just good friendsNorth-north-west

Misty contrastsJohn Walker

Four-leaf clovers and inadvertent selfieRibuck

At the back end of my wanderings in the Ormiston Pound area, I setup camp at the second waterhole in Bowmans Gap.

Enjoying the solitude, I was amazed to see a small vivid red bird walking along the creek bed intently looking for insects on the plants. It seemed quite oblivious to my nearby presence, giving me time to access my telephoto lens. (It's nice but rare for birds to do that.) I looked it up later: it's called a Crimson Chat, and unlike many small birds, it walks around rather than hopping.

38 | BWA August 2020

BWA August 2020 | 39


September 2019


It was my first time at The Walls of Jerusalem and this was my last night there. I almost missed the sunset, but had marked out a good panoramic spot earlier that day at the top of the saddle (Jaffa Gate) that looked north east down into the Valley of Hinom - where I was heading off to the following day.

Sunset on Mount Jerusalem 14.09.2019Orbita_Serenitatem

40 | BWA August 2020

BWA August 2020 | 41

Other States

September 2019


Carrington FallsIandsmith

Outback morningBrian Eglinton

The AbyssRibuck

Even old women can enjoy puerile humour. The Heysen Trail enters (or leaves) Wilpena Pound via Bridle Gap. Standing above the gap is a neat rocky lump with the delightful name of Dick Nob. Who could resist that? So the pack was dropped immediately upon arriving at the campsite, and up I went, getting there just in time for the sunset, which was a doozy.

A welcome sightJohn Walker

Perfect timingNorth-north-west

42 | BWA August 2020

BWA August 2020 | 43