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Australia's Lockdown - 2020

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Valley of the Dinosaurs, Mount Airly Region, NSWAll photos by Yovonne Lollback

Australia's Lockdown - 2020

as seen by Yvonne Lollback

44 | BWA August 2020

It's the year we'd best forget unless we learn from it. And remember lockdown.New words in our vocab. New words we did not have. Before lockdown.2020 was that year. We'll think of it with fear. AND lockdown.Its start was really bad. Drought, smoke, fires we'd had. Before even lockdown.Then floods and huge hail. Some people really did quail. Well before lockdown. Then came COVID-19, which few had foreseen. We hear the word lockdown.From China it came, a flu but not the same. There's talk of lockdown.

It went to Italy first but they weren't the last. They soon had lockdown.And so it spread. Every country's in dread. They all got lockdown.It's a virus we're told. Our lives are on hold. Now we're in lockdown.Social distancing's the norm. To this we'll conform. As well as lockdown.No eating out. No going about. Stay in lockdown. No picnics or parks. No gyms, pubs or larks. Stay in lockdown.No bushwalking groups. Just two doing loops. While in lockdown.No dancing in halls. Dance in your walls. Stay in lockdown. Churches all shut and so are the clubs. But we must have lockdown.No meetings are fine. It's all now on-line. While we're in lockdown.

But it's hard on the young. For our youth it's no fun. While we're in lockdown.Kids are home-schooled. The internet's the rule. While we're in lockdown.We had loo paper wars. Shops closed their doors. 'Cause of lockdown.Wash your hands they now say. Do it all day. As well as lockdown.So we rub and we scrub. Go soak in a tub. While we're in lockdown. The gardens look good. No weeds, sticks or wood. 'Cause we're in lockdown.We google and cook and read a long book. While we're in lockdown.The house is so clean. The windows, they glean ... oops gleam ... While we're in lockdown.

Main Range from the Charlotte Pass lookout, Kosciuszko NP

BWA August 2020 | 45

The Big Issue went online. For a short while that's fine. During lockdown.It's not safe to go out and no customers about. During lockdown.But when vendors can't sell how will they stay well? During lockdown?Vendors need that support and customer rapport. Even in lockdown.

The USA's gone mad but their leader's a cad. They won't stay in lockdown.Trump's really insane. He makes that quite plain. He won't push lockdown.Just twittering's his thing. No leadership he'll bring. Or order a lockdown.The same in Brazil with numbers over the hill. And not much lockdown.Their numbers have upped. Ours almost stopped. Stay in lockdown. Our leaders are strong. We'll do no wrong. We're in lockdown.For the medics it's hell to get people well. The rest stay in lockdown. They're out in the front. They carry the brunt. As we stay in lockdown. When the old get sick, they die pretty quick. Even with lockdown.They die all alone. Their loved ones at home. 'Cause of lockdown.In slums, camps and prisons the cases might be millions. When they have lockdown.So many are sick. It really is quick. We need lockdown.Official figures say millions but it could be trillions. Even with lockdown.When the world thought it beat, the pandemic turned up the heat. Not enough lockdown.Victoria, where cases were few, suddenly found they just grew. When they lifted lockdown.

The financial market has slumped. This is no mere bump. Caused by lockdown.Many jobs are now gone. They must feel so alone. Caused by lockdown. Mental health has gone down, people wearing a frown. 'Cause of lockdown. Violence in the street. Innocent Chinese are beat. 'Cause of lockdown. No room for blame, nor hate, it's a shame. Stay in lockdown.But caring has grown to those on their own. Even in lockdown. We all help each other. All sisters and brothers. Even in lockdown.


46 | BWA August 2020

Byangee Walls and Pigeon House from The Castle, Morton NP

Oil use has dropped. Production 'most stopped. 'Cause of lockdown. Poor countries will suffer. They have no buffer. But we need lockdown.Refugees have it rough. Life's even more tough. 'Cause of lockdown. Tourism's done a dive. How will they survive? While we're in lockdown?Millions may starve. Our population may halve. While earth's in lockdown. Is this good? Is it bad? All I know it's so sad. 'Cause of lockdown.

Climate change is ignored. That's just getting bored. It's all about lockdown.But our youth won't let go. It's their future they know. Even with lockdown.Secret deals made with coal, to dig another big hole. While we're in lockdown. Green energy's the go. We must keep it so. Even in lockdown.Support Greenpeace and GetUp. Don't let our government f-up. Under the cover of lockdown. Will this make us wake up? We must come from love. Even in lockdown.Don't put fear in your head. Put peace there instead. And stay in lockdown. Reach out in love to everyone above. While we're in lockdown.Phone all you know. Let your love flow. While we're in lockdown.

While people stay home, the animals can roam. 'Cause of lockdown.With streets empty of cars, children can see stars. 'Cause of lockdown. The earth's begun to heal. But will it stay for real? Even after lockdown?Let's make that our goal and keep the earth whole. Even after lockdown.

BWA August 2020 | 47