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Competition: Tasmania November 2013

Mt Gould and The Guardians Dan Broun

Photo Gallery

54 | BWA December 2015

BWA Photo Competition

BWA December 2015 | 55

Other States

December 2014

Beauchamp Falls John Walker


Morialta sunsetBrian Eglinton

I shot this image on a favourite circuit walk which returns via the Rodriguez Pass in the upper Blue Mountains. Due to landslips in the valley over the past few years Beauchamp Falls has become a bit more obscure to visit than my earlier recollections of it. You can scramble down a short distance from the track and approach the falls more closely by rock hopping. On this occasion I was impressed by the flow and the afternoon colours, so thought it worth the short deviation to photograph them.

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December 2014

Sleeping with MaatsuykerDan Broun


Standing guardNorth-north-west

Federation Peak from Geeves Bluff James Vincent

Predawn: Mt Manfred awaits a new day Louise Fairfax

Gentle evening, Mt Anne Tortoise

The Barn in the arvoJohn Walker

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Mt Wright vistaTibboh

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December 2014

The BladeDan Broun


Manfred in the evening North-north-west

Morning has broken. Manfred rises from the mist Louise Fairfax

Evening storm, SW TasmaniaTortoise

New Years Eve, Kangaroo Ridge, Kosciuszko NP MicheleK

A timeless classicJohn Walker

Summer in the hills Brian Eglinton

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December 2014

The photographer Dan Broun


Refreshing the mindCharles Chadwick

Original breaststrokerTortoise

Room with a view Brian Eglinton

Moss detail in pristine rainforest Louise Fairfax

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An intimate look at Westmoreland FallsJohn Walker

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Other States

January 2015

Chalahn Falls Cameron Semple


Cascades above Box Creek FallsTom Brennan

A local gem John Walker

That which is called firmness in a king is called obstinacy in a donkey (John Erskine)Robert Springer

Long time fallen, Rosewood Creek Walk, Dorrigo National Park Lorraine Parker

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Chalahn Falls at Lamington National Park are sometimes overshadowed by their more well known (and easier to access) neighbour Elabana Falls. In my mind though, they are equally magnificent, and provide many options for photography. On this occasion I was fortunate to arrive during a gap in the constant rain and drizzle and got this shot before it started again. The leeches were ferocious though, and I was flicking them off the tripod and camera in between shots.

Bird RockBrian Eglinton

Imlay RiverIandsmith

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January 2015

Symphony in green, Pandani ShelfPeter Grant


Rinadena FallsTigercat

The beast appears Brian Eglinton

Lost, yesterday, somewhere between sunrise and sunset, two golden hours, each set with sixty diamond minutes. No reward is offered for they are gone forever (Horace Mann)Robert Springer

A splendid track!Ashley Thomson

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They say the view is worth the climb, but I’m not sure the heat exhaustion and a nearly broken ankle were supposed to be a part of the deal! I took this photo on our rest day, while I nursed a severely swollen ankle. In hindsight I’m glad this amazing place is hard to reach, as it’s as fragile as it is special. There’s more of the story starting

The MoaiCameron Semple

A right royal morningNorth-north-west

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January 2015

Lake Leo Brian Eglinton


Sandstone curtains Tom Brennan

A serene placeAshley Thomson

Mountain poolNorth-north-west

Cradle Mountain sunset Cameron Semple

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A rock pile ceases to be a rock pile the moment a single man contemplates it, bearing within him the image of a cathedral (Antoine de Saint-Exupery)Robert Springer

Coming storm, Mt ElizaPeter Grant

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January 2015

Up close & personalNorth-north-west


Coming through Cameron Semple

Reflecting on Pipers RiverJohn Walker

A wet January? That’s on the button (grass)! Peter Grant

Hidden fungi, Rosewood - Dorrigo National ParkLorraine Parker

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A grasshopper with attitude - and a penchant for swimming - who hopped into and paddled across a pool, and then crawled out next to where I was enjoying a sunny snack, and was kind enough to pose while I grovelled around on the wet ground with the camera. Or maybe s/he was just hoping for a bit of chocolate ...

Dragonfly at GraftonIandsmith

Rock in pink Brian Eglinton

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