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Wild 150 issue Wild, Australia’s wilderness adventure magazine

On the cusp of reaching 35 years since launch, Wild is excited to present our 150th issue in November 2016. Featuring classic bushwalking and mountaineering adventures from the Himalayas to the Australian Alps, there are also a number of retrospective highlights to delight longtime supporters and first-time readers alike.

AG Outdoor Sept-Oct issue

We are celebrating 20 years as Australia’s premier adventure publication and this issue is jam-packed with awesome photography, great stories and expert advice to get you into the outdoors. So we’ve selected the 20 best one-day adventures, covering everything from day hikes to campsites, to paddling and cycling trips. We explore NZ’s beautiful Queen Charlotte Track via kayak, on foot and by bike, and follow three adventurers as they try and run NZ’s nine Great Walks in nine days! Also inside you’ll find our guide to Australia’s best coastal road trip - to Victoria’s East Gippsland - and expert advice on how to use a GPS unit for bush navigation.

The Great Walks Oct-Nov issue

- Alpine hiking special

- Chilkoot Trail, Canada

- Walls of Jerusalem, Tas

- Mount Feathertop, Vic

- Real-life bush rescue stories

BWA December 2015 | 99