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menu_book picture_as_pdf bookDylan Oswin Resource Web Australia Tasmania

Shipsterns Bluff LookoutDylan Oswin

With an abundance of spectacular bushwalks in Tasmania, the hardest part of hiking is often choosing the best trail for your weekend adventure. In 2013, was established to help match hikers’ ability and interest with Tasmania’s bushwalks.

TasTrails.comDylan Oswin

80 | BWA December 2015

Lake RhonaDylan Oswin

Accessibility and ease of understanding are fundamental to how TasTrails works. All of the 82 walks currently listed can be sorted by walk time required, walk grade, distance and location. We feel it’s important to be able to easily sort walks this way to find the best walk. To ensure accuracy and consistency of information, all TasTrails walks are hiked and photographed by TasTrail staff.

While many of Tasmania’s most popular walks are on the website, we aim to showcase other less known but still as incredible tracks. It’s been fantastic hearing feedback from people who discover a new favourite they had no idea existed. For example, Lake Rhona is a fascinating two day hike to a quartz beach surrounded by rugged cliffs. Marriotts Falls is a beautiful waterfall often shadowed by Russell Falls. Lake Rhona and Marriotts Falls are two

excellent walks which should be on your must-walk list.

Our most popular listed walk is Shipsterns Bluff, a medium grade day walk with breathtaking coastal views (and occasional massive waves) on Tasmania’s Tasman Peninsula. Shipsterns Bluff is searched on the website twice as much as the adjacent Cape Raoul walk, part of the newly created Three Capes Track.

There is plenty more to come from TasTrails over the next few years. As far as cataloguing all our amazing bushwalks, the site is still in its infancy. With thanks to the beautiful support and encouragement received I will be out there next weekend, and most weekends after that finding more elusive trails to share with you all.

Discover more at

BWA December 2015 | 81