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Competition: Australia October 2010

Griffiths Island SW Victoria Jcr_au

Photo Gallery

56 | BWA February 2016

Your mind is like a live camera that is constantly taking pictures of every single moment that comes onto you... So be a good photographer!

David Acuna

BWA Photo Competition

BWA February 2016 | 57

Other States

February 2015

Gardens of Stone Tom Brennan


Fritzroy Falls, the beginning Lorraine Parker

Cape HauyIandsmith

Falls on Palona Brook John Walker

Mackenzie Falls Brian Eglinton

After leading a club trip to Breakfast Creek Canyon in the Blue Mountains I drove to the end of a nearby firetrail, set up a tent, and then walked down a track until I reached the cliff edge overlooking the Carne Creek Gorge. There was a brief moment looking along the cliffs after sunset when the sun lit up the high clouds.

Canon 650D, 10-22 mm lens at 10 mm, 1/6 second, f/8.0, ISO 100, Grad ND Filter.

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February 2015

Misty Mountain Hop North-north-west


Misty morning Tigercat

A sunday morning on the TyndallsOsik

Wet Cave Point Brian Eglinton

Mt Manfred Graham51

Halls Falls near St Columba Lorraine Parker

During a lazy ramble through the Traveller Range, Walls and Mountains of Jupiter, three nights were spent in high exposed camps, waiting for just this - the morning light on Geryon, the Acropolis and the DuCane Range. Didn’t get it until the last of those nights but it was certainly worth waiting for.

Near St Columba Falls Iandsmith

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February 2015

River of cloud Tom Brennan


Time for a rambleOsik

Lake HeliosGraham51

Lake HerbertBrian Eglinton

Bay of Fires Iandsmith

This was shot on a Sydney Bush Walkers photography walk. On the Sunday morning we woke early and did the short walk out to Anvil Rock on the rim of the Grose Valley. While the sunrise itself was fairly unspectacular, the river of cloud flowing through the valley was the highlight of the morning.

Canon 650D, 10-22 mm lens at 10 mm, three shots at 1.6 second/6 second/25 second, f/9.0, ISO 100.

Tahune reflections North-north-west

Cape HauyLorraine Parker

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February 2015

Mustard-Bellied Snake Tom Brennan


Painted Cliffs, Marai Island Lorraine Parker

Elysian dreaming Osik

Just lookingBrian Eglinton

Palona limestone formation John Walker

On a club trip I led through Cesspit and Dumbano Canyons, we came across a lot of snakes, perhaps six all up. Being a cold place, they were generally pretty sluggish and unmoving. This was the most photogenic, a beautiful little Mustard-Bellied Snake (Drysdalia rhodogaster) sitting on a log below the junction of the two canyons.

Canon S120, 1/60 second, f/2.0, ISO 400.

Time out for a scratch Iandsmith

Warts and all Graham51

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Other States

March 2015

The Washing Machine Tom Brennan


You talkin’ to me? Iandsmith

Tea Tree, Lower Kangaroo Creek John Walker

Deep Creek morning Beardless

The day after Gardens of Stone, I took my camera for a solo trip through Rocky Creek Canyon. I spent quite some time shooting in the canyon, and by early afternoon, everyone else had left and I had the canyon to myself. The Washing Machine is a tricky drop near the start of the canyon, and it was the last spot I stopped for photos on the way back up through the canyon. The light was quite different than on the way down, and after about 15 minutes of setting up and trying to keep the lens from fogging up, I managed to get this shot.

Canon 650D, 10-22 mm lens at 10 mm, 3.2 second, f/8.0, ISO 200, Circular Polarising Filter.

Wildflower Track, Black Hill Brian Eglinton

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March 2015

Lake Ewart and early morning mist clings to Eldon Bluff MJD


Sunset on Gould Plateau Graham51

The path less taken North-north-west

My second traverse of the Eldons in two years and this time we got to camp at Lake Ewart. This photo was taken in the morning as the mist slowly and reluctantly lifted from Eldon Bluff. It’s a rugged, remote and largely untracked area with Eldon Bluff standing like a huge sentinel at the eastern end of the range and dominating the views for several days. There are several campsites around Lake Ewart and this one protected us nicely from the overnight wind and rain despite being right next to the lake. The full traverse from Lake Burbury to Pigeon House Hill is a serious undertaking and includes a full day of boulder hopping along the range between Eldon Peak and Eldon Bluff.

NW Bay River Tigercat

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March 2015

Searchlights at dawnTom Brennan


Reach for the stars (Eldon Bluff) MJD

Ducane morningGraham51

Good weather at last North-north-west

Looking up Cameron Semple

After a night sleeping out on Narrow Neck, I did a short walk to a lookout that I didn’t remember much about. It looked like sunrise was going to be clouded in, but a few rays of light were able to escape through the clouds, looking for all the world like high-powered torch beams.

Canon 650D, 10-22 mm lens at 10 mm, 1.0 second, f/9.0, ISO 100, Grad ND Filter.

Shipstern wave Tigercat

Megalong afternoon John Walker

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March 2015

Hygrocybe firma, Myrtle Forest Andrei Nikulinsky


The eye has it Tom Brennan

Stream ripples Tigercat

Pebbles on Boat Harbour Beach Beardless

Southern Brown Bandicoot Brian Eglinton

Red Waxcap (Hygrocybe firma). A striking fungi, it varies in colour from deep, blood red through to light orange and washed-out yellow. I often find them in a disturbed ground of leaf-litter in and around ferns and mosses. This is a “focus-stacked” image of 19 exposures taken near Collinsvale.

Bush relics John Walker

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