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Food review - Bethel Farm Mills

menu_book picture_as_pdf bookSonya Muhlsimmer Bushcraft Australia

Food Review - Bethel Farm Mills

Sonya Muhlsimmer

This will not be like my normal article I write as I have something special for you this edition - I have been introduced to an amazing couple. Ralph and Jo Waters are from an Australian company called Bethel Farm Mill, and I want you to visit their website as soon as you have read this.

If you know me a little, you know that I love the outdoors and I love my food, and healthy food that is. My meal plan must have variety, the meals have to be easy to prepare, nutritious to keep me going and taste great. Well, Ralph and Jo have created their mill with quality, taste and nutrition in mind. And they know their stuff. They have created a fine selection of gluten free and organic flours, cake mixes, falafels, hummus mix, pancake mix, veggie burger mix, herbs and spices. They have a good range of healthy food options which are also high in protein, oh and they are Australian owned and operated. As I said, they know their stuff, check out the blog section.

Some of the Bethel Farm Mill's products

76 | BWA April 2018

Bethel Farm Mill's Hummus

Ralph writes articles on the health benefits of the food, and there are two I want you to take notice of. Read the articles: Nine surprising things about hummus, and Is powdered hummus the ideal hiking and trekking food? Yes you read correctly, the ideal hiking and trekking food. I am still experimenting as I have just made a big batch of hummus (without the olive oil as I want to dehydrate it) and shared it with my other hiking friends. I dehydrated the leftovers with success, so far so good. Well, pretty good actually, the hummus was so tasty. I added to the mix a few extra ingredients, and it really was delicious. The best part is, I have a big batch dehydrated ready for my next trip. Go on get some for yourself, and don’t forget to try their falafels with the hummus as well. What a treat!

At home preparationFollow the packet instructions and add optional ingredients as you wish.

Ingredients to make one litre, as per pack instructions

Hummus powder

150 grams

Crushed garlic (optional)

3 tsp

Lemon juice (optional)

1 lemon

Ground coriander (optional)

2 tsp


825 ml

Tahini paste

1/3 cup

Olive oil

3 Tbsp

HintThe 150 gram packet mix to 825 ml water mix makes about one litre of hummus, so if you don’t want that much, just halve the mix and water. Serve with falafels.

BWA April 2018 | 77

Bethel Farm Mill's Mousse

Now, who likes to end their day with a little treat, especially out on the trails? I certainly do. This mousse is easy to prepare. It is gluten free, legume based and vegan friendly. The mousse is bittersweet and so rich in flavour, and great to share with friends. Now one thing I will say is that the instructions say to refrigerate, which I didn’t do the first time I tried it as when I am hiking I have no way to refrigerate it, unless I am out on one of my back country skiing trips, so I just left it on my bench for a while to let it cool down to room temperature. I used a mix of half milk powder and half coconut milk powder. The second time I tried it I added too much water so I refrigerated this, however it was quite runny, and a bit lumpy as I didn’t mix the powder in properly I should know better - but the flavour was good. I used coconut milk powder for this mix. The flavour is there, but you could add some roasted almonds or cashews for crunch and texture, or if you want to you can even have them with biscotti. Guess what my dessert will be on my next trip! It is worth buying a couple of packs and experimenting with the milk/coconut milk powder and water ratios. Get the consistency and flavour you like right before you hit the trails. I am going to try this few more times, well you know, I have to get it right, for the texture only, right ... Next time I am going to add a little chilli powder, just to see what it is like.

At home preparationFollow the packet instructions and add milk powder or coconut powder as you wish.

Ingredients to make one litre, as per pack instructions

Chocolate mousse powder

250 grams

Powdered milk

3/4 cup


500 ml

HintAgain the packet makes up to one litre, so depends on how many you want to feed. Halve the pack and other ingredients if you don’t want so much.

78 | BWA April 2018