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Victoria native forest logging to endThe Victorian government will end native forest logging by 1 January 2024. Environmental groups have fought for decades to end native timber logging in Victoria, with some launching several legal challenges in a bid to force the government’s hand.

Warragamba Dam wall plan shelvedThe controversial plan to raise Warragamba Dam’s wall is dead in the water. The NSW government decided not to proceed with the project due to huge costs and environmental and heritage concerns.

Falls Hotham plan under reviewThe Falls Creek to Mount Hotham track has been under consideration since 2016, with strong opposition from conservation groups. Parks Victoria is now working on a revised concept design that takes into account the feedback received.

Heat stress dangerAuthorities have warned hikers to be prepared for hot weather in Central Australia after a 22-year-old man died and two different groups of people required assistance for heat stress within a week.

Bogong High Plains Road openThe road between Falls Creek and Mount Beauty was closed to the public since October 2022 due to a landslip. The road opened on 23 April.

Cradle Mountain cableway funding deadline missedThe Tasmanian government has missed a deadline to provide information to the Commonwealth about the proposed cableway for Cradle Mountain, and $30 million funding has been withdrawn.

New Mirima National Park walking trailA new $150,000 walking trail has been unveiled in Kununurra's Mirima National Park in the heart of Western Australia's East Kimberley.

Litchfield National Park weed problemNew research has estimated that almost one third of Litchfield National Park may be lost to a noxious weed within a decade if urgent action is not taken to eradicate it.

Lamington National Park rescueA woman in her 60s suffered injuries from a fall while bushwalking in Lamington National Park and was rescued in a 15 hour operation.