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How to prevent blistersIn this video Set To Hike goes through seven things that you can do to help prevent blisters. We are all different and may have different tolerances to getting blisters, the fundamentals remain the same.

Why you should use walking polesWalking poles are quite often an overlooked piece of kit and can come with a bit of a negative stigma. Paul discusses why walking poles are useful.

Bushwalking safetyWhile the gear and safety advice in this video is based around the Bibbulmun Track in Western Australia, all or nearly all applies to Austraian overnight walks.

Best hiking backpacks: 7 hiking backpacks (2023 buying guide)Are you looking for a hiking backpack? Here are top 7 hiking backpacks on the market this year by Globo Surf, based on price, performance and durability.

54 | Bushwalk June 2023