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36 | Bushwalk February 2024

Eldon Bluff in memory of E.L.B.Dan Broun


The ChasmTom Brennan

The last of the sun shining on the Razorback trail from Mount Feathertop. Mount Hotham visible in the far distance. Joe J

Dry crossingJohn Walker


February 2023

WinnerThumbs upNorth-north-west

It was love at first sight for me in regard to The Thumbs. And that feeling has not diminished over the years since I originally saw its distinctive summit piercing the clouds above the Gordon basin. Two visits, two high camps close to that summit, two glorious evenings for photography.

38 | Bushwalk February 2024


February 2023

WinnerWaiting, watchingTom Brennan

A large greedy Eastern Water Dragon, used to the hordes of canyoners stopping for lunch, at the end of Butterbox Canyon.

Knot a bad place to grow up in Teak

RobinBrian Eglinton

Last of the sandpipersIandsmith



February 2023

WinnerGordon cliffs and the DenisonsNorth-north-west

First time up here I went out to the west. This time it was north and east while busily hatching a plan to explore all that enticing terrain seen here above the river.

40 | Bushwalk February 2024

Gnarly grassBrian Eglinton

Canyon cascadeTom Brennan

Other States

February 2023

WinnerWaiting for the sun to set from Mount FeathertopJoe J

River reflectingJohn Walker



March 2023

WinnerEarly morning light, south coast TasmaniaDavid Edwards

The last morning along the South Coast Track and the low-angled sun shining through the mist along the coast doesn't encourage one to hurry to the waiting transport back to "civilisation".

Morning mistsNorth-north-west

The view West from Lendenfeld Point with Mount Bogong summit still visible on the rightJoe J

Wild CountryBrian Eglinton

42 | Bushwalk February 2024


March 2023

WinnerDelicateBrian Eglinton

The weather was not kind to us as we attempted Lake Judd and the Lonely Tarns. The boardwalk to Judd was great, but it ends in a short section of bare muddy track and jumbled moraine clambering. It was working through this, that I spied this small green fungi on a short drop right in the pathway. Well worth the time to setup for a shot in the dim light.

There's a track in here somewhereNorth-north-west

Take time to enjoy the little things (South Coast Track)David Edwards

A B&W shot of the long evening shadows over Ropers HutJoe J


Lunchtime on LivingstoneNorth-north-west


March 2023

WinnerWalls of JerusalemTeak

The weather forecast was favourable so I went for a day walk to the Walls of Jerusalem. This photo is from the Temple, looking at the central Walls area.

Sarah Jane VeiledBrian Eglinton

44 | Bushwalk February 2024

Other States

March 2023

WinnerDuane Creek located behind Ropers HutJoe J

Byaduk CavesBrian Eglinton