Day 1: Mountain Creek to Bogong Creek Saddle (almost), 15 km We headed off from the inner north of Melbourne around 10 am, a later start than usual. There was a buzz of excitement in the air as we hadn’t hiked together for a good few years. Each time we go away seems to always turn into an epic.
After a tasty preparatory lunch in Myrtleford, we drove the last one and a half hours to the Mountain Creek car park, arriving a bit after 2 pm. Only one other car was there, so we knew we had the mountains to ourselves – a bonus of going midweek and post long weekend.
We headed up the fire trail to the Staircase Spur trailhead, and after signing the intentions log book we started the steep walk up at approximately 3 pm.
Now one thing to note here is my hike companion Spira is a master chef in the wilderness, and for this trip we decided to share our dinners. I determined that making my backpack weight a lot heavier than normal would be worth it to experience Spira’s culinary creations, but more on this later!
We dropped packs and refuelled our water at the Bivouac Hut, which sits at 1450 metres above sea level. Warm and sweaty, but we were making good progress, just the final stretch now lay ahead to the summit. After four and a half hours we hit summit cairn at sundown. The temperature had dropped a lot, so it was time to layer up and head to our intended camp spot at Bogong Creek Saddle. As night fell, we navigated down Quartz Ridge to the west by headlamp, where we were treated to an amazing lightning storm in the distance. Every few seconds the sky would light up completely, illuminating the mountaintops. We stopped for a few minutes to take it all in.
As it was getting on to 9:30 pm, we decided to stop at the next flat open area to camp, as we were still an hour off Bogong Creek Saddle. After pitching our tents, we started dinner. On the menu was rice with broccolini, tuna, anchovies and snake beans - fantastic, as we were hungry!
Tyrone and Spira having a break on the Staircase SpurTyrone Boi
Spira on the StaircaseTyrone Boi
Every few seconds the sky would light up completely, illuminating the mountaintops.
After dinner we retreated to our tents. I tried to settle in, but bug light insects had invaded and were buzzing in my face, driving me crazy. I was waving my arms around like a conductor, and one actually flew deep into my ear, driving me further insane for a good ten minutes. I was panicked and feeling like a little toddler. I whined out to Spira for help. He shouted out a few suggestions with the help of Google. Luckily, it flew out shortly after, because I wasn’t keen on the idea of pouring olive oil down my ear! I was looking forward to a good night’s sleep, but the weather gods had other ideas!
We had checked the forecast and radar images prior, and knew there were storms to the west and northeast of us, but they appeared as though they would miss us. At approximately 11:30 pm it started to rain heavily, and then a stellar storm hit us with
hail, thunder and lightning. Every crack of thunder would shake my body from the inside out, it was terrifying! With every lit sky I would brace myself, waiting for the thunder. To add to the drama, the seam tape on the fly was leaking water into my tent directly on my head, causing anxiety for most of the night. I lay there thinking of ideas to fix this problem and constantly checking the BOM radar for when the storm would pass. I ended up using my rain jacket on top of my pillow and slipping my head under the jacket to stop the drip on my head, avoiding the “Chinese water torture method”! My sleeping bag was also getting wet at the foot end because I was pressed against the inner tent to the fly sheet, trying to avoid the drip on my head. It was a frustrating experience, and I knew if my sleeping bag was too wet by morning, the trip couldn’t go on. It was a sleepless night. The rain finally subsided after 4 am.
Bogong summit cairnSpira Stojanovik
6 | Bushwalk February 2024
This map is © and is created using data © OpenStreetMap contributors.
Road, four-wheel drive track, walking track (treed)
Main track, side trip, alternative route
Cliff, major contour line, minor contour line (100 metre interval)
Lake, river, waterfall or creek
Start of the walk
Bogong Circuit
0 km 1 2 3 km
My energy reserves were zapped as we hit the fire trail around 5:30 pm. We headed for Ropers Hut. My slow pace had Spira offering to take a couple of kilos off me, hopefully relieving the weight and pain on my shoulders, which felt like I was carrying a bus. I also had a headache and dragged my feet at snail pace the 5 kilometres on Spion Kopje to the junction. My mind wanted to walk, but my legs didn’t want to cooperate, so it was mentally grinding.
Spira was well ahead out of sight and with fading light and temperature dropping, I had a vision that he was already at the hut, and when I arrived the fire would be lit and a green curry ready for me when I limped through the door. It was just a pipedream. Spira was feeling it too after 11 hours on our feet.
Finally making it to the junction, we walked the final 3 kilometres into camp by headlamp, arriving around 8:30 pm. By this stage I gave myself a 10% chance of continuing the next day and started to think of an escape plan to abort the hike. I was toasted and was
also feeling unusually cold and shivering. We collapsed, and after another yummy dinner of vegetable green curry we retreated to bed. I was too lazy to set up a tent and having the place to ourselves, I decided to sleep in the hut. We had a good night’s sleep apart from the mice making a racket, but they soon went to sleep too.
Day 3: Ropers Hut to Michell Hut, 14 kmSurprisingly waking up refreshed and free of painful shoulders and lower back, I was good to push on!
We headed down Duane Spur to Big River. The sun was out, the sky was blue, and it was warming up. We spent an hour down at
Spira relaxing while waiting for Tyrone on Spion KopjeSpira Stojanovik
Spira crossing Big River at bottom of Duane SpurTyrone Boi
I was toasted and was also feeling unusually cold and shivering.
the river having a refreshing dip and snacks with coffee. We made the stiff climb up the T Spur. Our aim for today was to reach Michell Hut on Eskdale Spur, giving us a shorter walk back to the car the next day. The last time we attempted this, in early March 2019, we bailed somewhere near the Rock Saddle on the exposed plains towards Bogong summit. That time, we got caught out in a storm and drenched with cold wind and rain, we huddled behind the rocks yelling at each other as it was so loud. Scary thoughts of three walkers who perished in a blizzard in 1943 in the area come to mind. There is a memorial plaque high up on Staircase Spur, so we retreated back to Cleve Cole Hut. We certainly felt alive in those moments.
This time with clear blues skies and a gentle breeze, we stopped at the Rocking Stone Saddle for tea and a snack. Today’s walking was relaxed, and having no rush, we were excited to arrive at camp around 6 pm, well before sundown with plenty of time to relax.
Dinner was spaghetti al la puttanesca, all meals cooked from scratch – cheers "Masterchef Spira!". It was a nice evening with a lovely sunset. I was in bed by sundown and drifted off by 9:30 pm.
Day 4: Michell Hut to Mountain Creek, 12 kmHaving slept for a good and much-needed nine hours, we had a lazy morning over breakfast and Macedonian-style coffee. We headed down Eskdale Spur Track in another stunning day of sunshine and blue skies. The walk back to the car involved 7 kilometres of road bash from the bottom of Eskdale Spur. Not much to report really, as it’s a
Spira crossing a creek near Cleve Cole HutTyrone Boi
Tyrone and Spira on Mt Bogong summitTyrone Boi
We headed down Eskdale Spur Track in another stunning day of sunshine and blue skies.
10 | Bushwalk February 2024
A beatle sat on my shoeTyrone Boi
rather tedious, boring walk compared to the stunning scenery on other parts of the trail. Last time we managed to hitch a ride back to the car, but having the whole mountain range to ourselves, there was not a soul in sight – which I suppose made having to endure this last part worth it.
A dip in the river was amazing and refreshing, and our 4 days of adventure (and sometimes torture!) were finished. A lunch was enjoyed before heading back to Melbourne. We decided it was a better ending than our previous time walking this loop, and the trip was far more epic. Next time, we will attempt it reverse - in another 4 to 5 years I’d say!
Spira bathing in Big River on Mountain Creek RoadTyrone Boi
Tyrone in Wadi Rum, Jordan