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Gallery photographers

48 | Bushwalk April 2024

Misty morning on the Arthur PlainsNorth-north-west


A bizzare landscape - Pinnacles Desert WAJohn Walker

Last night from a hidden plateau in Kakadu Osik

Quaile FallsTeak


April 2023

WinnerBoat Harbour, GerringongIandsmith

Imagine you've just woken up in your motorhome, put your dressing gown on, looked out the window and seen a great sunrise. Then you put on some thongs with your socks still on and stumble 30 metres to the foreshore. That's what it took to get this shot!

50 | Bushwalk April 2024


April 2023

WinnerKatydidJoe J

It's mine! - Rottnest Island WA John Walker

An unexpected displayOsik

Kosciuszko National Park, Easter WeekendSonyaM73



April 2023

WinnerKing Billy surveys his realmTeak

This photo is from a walk to Mount Murchison. This view is part way up looking toward Tyndall Range. There are some King Billy pines growing in this area.

Bent BluffBrian Eglinton

52 | Bushwalk April 2024

Nullarbor dreaming - Cook SAJohn Walker

Cope Saddle HutJoe J

Other States

April 2023

WinnerStart of the dry in NitmilukOsik

A few months in the area gave a wonderful opportunity to see the dramatic changing character of Nitmiluk Gorge.

Pretty Beach sunsetIandsmith



May 2023

WinnerClearing ... maybeNorth-north-west

It did eventually, but the icy wind just got stronger, so this was not an extended visit. But these sorts of conditions still make for great images.

River in South TasmaniaKwad12

Gorge meets skyOsik

Morialta GorgeBrian Eglinton

54 | Bushwalk April 2024


May 2023

WinnerBanksia timeJohn Walker

I had been dealing with the ongoing effects of previous surgery, compounded by a deteriorating knee (now recently replaced). Despite the limitations I was keen to try and maintain some level of bushwalking activity. So I returned to an old haunt of Heathcote NP in southern Sydney for an easier stroll to a couple of the pretty and less visited pools on Heathcote Creek. It was heading into winter, and on the walk out along the Pipeline Trail, I noticed some lovely stands of Banksia ericifolia, which were asking to be photographed. The afternoon light seemed to fall the right way to accentuate their colour.

Fall RainbowBrian Eglinton

Yellowbelly FallsNorth-north-west



May 2023

WinnerLooking out my front doorNorth-north-west

Camping at Oenone and feeling decidedly unenergetic the morning after romping around on Olympus, led to the use of the lazy person's technique: camera on tripod, attach remote, stand tripod outside tent and snap away whilst still snug and warm under the quilt. Not a bad way to greet the day.

56 | Bushwalk April 2024

Other States

May 2023

WinnerLast viewsOsik

One of my favourite lookouts, a world away from flatter landscapes to the north and south.

Mini cascadesJohn Walker

Lit UpBrian Eglinton