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40 | Bushwalk June 2024

Towards the West Coast RangeDoogs


NS RidgeRibuck

Not for everyone - Hanging Rock Iandsmith

Tongue Point, Wilsons PromKwad12


June 2023

WinnerA hike in, paddle out kinda tripOsik

A trip I’ve wanted to do for years, hiking into the eighth gorge at Nitmiluk Gorge, followed by a couple of days lazily paddling back.

42 | Bushwalk June 2024


June 2023


On the plains beneath the Chewings Range I often see these beautiful butterflies. Sometimes just a few, sometimes dozens at a time. Their straw-coloured markings closely match the colour of the grasses around which they flutter.

Camp Creek FallsNorth-north-west

Fairy Martin nestsOsik

Forest fungiEggs



June 2023


The perils of being a retired SCUBA diver: on days like this down on the Tasman Peninsula, all you think about is how the conditions are perfect for diving. They were pretty good for walking the coast track, too.


44 | Bushwalk June 2024

Second FallsEggs

The canyon, Centennial GlenIandsmith

Other States

June 2023

WinnerMirror with a moonOsik

A dry season visit to Edith Falls for a swim under the moon, with nil fear of salties (freshies still about!).

Heavitree dawnRibuck



July 2023

WinnerRawsons Creek sunsetCrollsurf

The day before I had dropped my phone and watched it get blown off Rawson Pass, and disappear into the whiteout. By the time I found it, I'd had enough and set up camp in the spot where I'd found the phone. The next day was a glorious bluebird day and that evening, we were treated to a beautiful sunset.

Kakadu sunsetDeadwood

Enlightened Mt KemblaJohnw

Looking west from Mount RowleyIandsmith

46 | Bushwalk June 2024


July 2023

WinnerThe vines have itIandsmith

The photo was taken at Wingham Brush, an extraordinary remnant of rainforest on the North Coast (though it's a tad inland) of NSW. It's a strangler fig and it, and the fruit bats that inhabit it, were in danger until a community-driven rescue attempt was made to remove the vines that threatened them. The often misrepresented bats are necessary pollinators and fly long distances each afternoon to feed.

Rainbow bee-eaters in KakaduDeadwood

Granddaughters warm up after a walk on Kunanyi/Mt WellingtonWhynotwalk

Corybas unguiculatusNorth-north-west



July 2023


The Freycinet isthmus lagoon is a haven for birdlife, but on this morning no-one else was stirring, not even the swans.

48 | Bushwalk June 2024

Other States

July 2023

WinnerKakadu sunriseDeadwood

One of the benefits of walking in the NT is some of the splendid waterholes you get to camp by and swim in. The scenic sunrises over the waterholes make it so much harder to get up and moving quickly before the heat of the day sets in.

Symmetry in the forestJohnw

Cuppa while snow-shoeing, Mt WheatleyWhynotwalk

Josephine FallsEggs